Crypto Trading 101: How to Use Alerts
hello crypto traders welcome to a tutorial where we will be discussing alerts do you see our mouse at the top of the chart hovering over the alert button we’re going to go ahead and click this and once we click this button we’ve now opened up the alert menu and the alert menu can be dragged to any part of the screen to make it easier for you to create an alert while simultaneously looking at the chart in front of you.
Now, in this first example, we’re just going to walk you through the alert menu to get you started. For example, let’s go through the condition section here. This is where you will define the exact alert you want, meaning that once you create an alert about specific conditions, so in this case, we’re going to make an alert about BTC USD.
We’re going to make a about BTC USD we’re going to make a price alert and we’re going to select crossing which means it crosses a specific price level in addition we’re gonna add price this is what the alert will be on and we’re gonna make it 30,000 thus if BTC USD at any point crosses the price 30,000 we will get an alert sent to us and pay close attention to the notifications button here at the top this is how you can be notified via the trading view mobile app as a pop-up on your screen you can even have an alert delivered to you as an email that’s
right if bitcoin crosses 30 000 at any point time, we can get a fully custom automatic email sent to us. For the more advanced traders out there, those who can code or those who run a private website, app, chat room or tool, you can select webhook URLs and have a custom alert sent to you that way. Also, pay close attention to the sound because if you want the alert to trigger with a specific sound in mind, you get to select that specific sound.
Nonetheless, we’ve now created an alert about Bitcoin crossing the price, $30,000. We’re going to have this alert trigger once, but we could have it open triggering all the time, but let’s just have it trigger once. In addition, we do not want an expiration date we want this to be an open-ended alert which means the alert is always on but we can of course pick a specific date meaning if bitcoin doesn’t cross 30 000 by november 30th well just cancel the alert altogether now comes the fun part because we can fully customize the name of our alert and the message.
So when we get our alert delivered to us, whether it’s via app, pop-up, email, or anything else, we will get a fully specific alert name delivered to us as well as a fully custom message that we add. So let’s start with the alert name and we’re going to call this BTC USD alert crossing 30k. Let’s add an exclamation mark so we really see the significance when this alert actually triggers.
In the message we can be detailed because if the alert happens one, two, three weeks from now, we want to make sure we remember why it triggered and why it was created. So let’s go ahead and say this is an example video for crypto traders it’s about btc usd crossing 30 000 click period we have our notifications set and now let’s go ahead and click create and if you pay close attention you’ll notice this yellow line has been added to our chart when we hover our mouse over it we can see it says btc usd alert crossing 30 000. if we right click on the chart
and go to settings and click events you will see here there’s a toggle for alert lines on the chart as well as a color option so watch the line here why don’t we change this color to how about green? Green’s perfect. And let’s keep it on because if we don’t have it checked, we’ll only just see this small little green arrow here. But let’s check this box. And just like that, we’ve created our first alert.
But guess what? There are so many other ways to use alerts, which we’re going to show you very soon. But first, we want to make sure you’re aware of the alerts menu here off to the right. This is your home base for all things alerts that you create on your chart. You can do so much here, such as search for specific alerts.
So we can type in BTCUSD, and here are all the alerts we’ve ever created. In addition, you can scroll down and see all of the alerts that have ever been. In addition, you can scroll down and see all of the alerts that have ever been made. These alerts may have been stopped manually, perhaps they’ve already triggered. Some may even still be active. That’s right.
And you can hover your mouse over those alerts to learn more about that alert. So this is a full history of your alerts that you can study to become a better trader, a better investor, or just to know more about your process. Why did you create those alerts in the first place? Did they work? Did they not work? These are questions you can ask yourself.
Lastly, there is an alerts log that you can also follow to get additional details about the alerts that you have created and whether they’ve triggered or anything else of the sort. Next up, when you have the alerts menu here open, keep in mind about all the data and sorting options that are also available to you. For example, we could sort our alerts by the ticker alphabetically, by the name of the alert, the message, the date created, or whether the alert is triggered or not, and if it’s an old trigger or a new trigger.
In addition, we wanna make sure that you also know the importance of following the stats up here at the top of this menu. So it says alerts, if you hover your mouse, this says five price alerts used from 400 available. This says one technical alert used from 400 available. And that’s because every alert you create on TradingView is split into two categories a price alert which we just showed you this means that the price of a symbol was crossed so it’s a specific price but also technical alerts technical alerts mean that of all these drawing tools so
if you are a master at drawing tools on TradingView if you place drawing tools so if you are a master at drawing tools on trading view if you place drawing tools on trading view specifically for your research and analysis well you’re going to be thrilled to know you can create alerts based off of those check this out say we add this horizontal line here and we’re adding this horizontal line because it looks like there’s some support it’s bounced multiple times at this price.
Well, we can now right click on this horizontal line, click add alert. We’re going to go ahead and do, yep, horizontal line. We’re going to say crossing down. So it has to go below it only once. Drawing tool alert example. Let’s go ahead and click create. And after we click create, what you’ll see here now is the alert icon right here on the drawing tool.
We can even see it’s fully active in our alerts as well. So that is how you can create drawing tools with alerts. And as we said, it does get even better because if you prefer indicators so if we do a moving average let’s move add a moving average to our chart let’s do simple let’s open our moving average settings really quick just so we can make this a more long-term moving average 50 days and now what we’re going to do here is we’re actually going to right click on this moving average and you’re probably ready to guess what we’re going
to do indeed you can add an alert on a moving average just like this so we can have it crossing this moving average you can see the condition here sma moving average let’s go ahead though and do crossing up we only want to know if, well, it’s already crossed up, so let’s do crossing down. Or let’s do less than.
We only wanna know if the, let’s do crossing down actually. We only wanna know if the price of BTC USD crosses down below that. And this is an indicator alert example. We wanna make sure we always give it an alert name so that we can follow it in our logs here and also so that when we get the alert sent to us whether it’s through app or pop-up or email then we can instantly identify what that alert is let’s click create and you’ll notice that we’ve now added another alert on the chart you can see here that our technical alerts have
increased by one that’s because mentioned, they are totally separate, and we can now follow this alert in real time whenever we want. So this is the basics to alerts and how to get started. You now know how to create price alerts, you know how to create drawing tool alerts, and you know how to create indicator alerts.
These are all available to you. We look forward to seeing you get started and mastering alerts so that you can create a plan, track your progress, step away from markets, and just let the TradingView platform do all the hard work for you. It will be literally watching markets for you 24-7, waiting for these alerts to trigger.
You don’t have to stay glued to the screen. You can let the alerts do all the heavy lifting for you.