Stop Losing Money with WRONG TradingView Strategies and Settings!
That’s right, guys, you are being misled by TradingView strategies. You’re seeing numbers like this, for example, and you think that now you’re gonna get rich very quickly. And the first thing you do is you go and you simply automate the strategy, you put your money, and then you hope for the best. But let me tell you, that’s why I do this video, that you can spot if this strategy can actually really give you the result or if it’s actually a scam.
It’s not a scam because they wanted to make a scam but because they’re just bad developers okay so this particular strategy here is the best example for that it’s on the 15 minute time frame and it makes a massive amount of money right even if you go to the back test here the deep back test and you say hey how much money did it make from 2024 and you see 80 000 profit right with just four percent drawdown that is amazing michael right why wouldn’t i take this freaking strategy and put all of my money i’m exaggerating of course and then i’d be rich i don’t need
anything else let’s go no but why michael i want to get rich quickly well because the strategy is losing 144 percent okay and how can it lose more than 100 well because the settings are wrong and because the strategy is developed wrong so i will show you guys how you can figure out if your strategy that you’re looking at has this problem that this one has most likely if you have massive profit numbers then that is the reason one of the reasons in this video will explain why your strategy especially on the short term yeah especially on the short
term if you have like 20 000 profit 100 000 a million percent profit okay then one of the reasons in this video will be responsible for that and if none of the reasons that I mentioned here are actually part of your strategy setup and your strategy’s code, then you have found the perfect strategy.
So that means you have to watch the whole video to figure out which things to look out for. And this way, guys, you can be ahead of the herd, which is also why you subscribe to this channel, because I’m giving you higher chances of success by giving you the education and the knowledge and the software and actually even the support in Telegram.
If you join thegram link is down below you will have the benefit of being able to chat with me and with the other members and being ahead of the herd once more that’s the whole point right you need to be better than the rest of the people that are losing money okay anyway this is my introduction now let me show you how to spot bs strategies and how to avoid bad settings let’s go okay guys i want to add the strategy to my chart fully fresh from the start so i’m gonna search for it i’m gonna click on it by the way don’t use this strategy it’s a bad example of a bad strategy okay so i’m adding
it to the chart it’s on the 15 minute bitcoin chart and it makes 3600 whatever percent profit now doesn’t look that bad right but let’s go to the settings here and let’s instead of ten thousand dollars let’s put thousand dollars right and let’s see what happens to the numbers now it makes more money what the hell how can it make more profit more percentage profit when i put less money it should be the same right then i put less money it makes even more money uh what is happening here guys it’s a bit spooky right no actually it’s not it’s the first setting that you need to understand
is the order size is one contract and if it’s one contract then a contract can be very expensive right because one bitcoin is 60k right now so if it goes and buys one bitcoin but you only have 100 bucks initial capital then it looks like you got bitcoin for free because trading view allows you to do that kind of stupid stuff especially if you work with absolute numbers and the reason why they allow it is because they have to allow people to create strategies like dca and in dca you’re actually adding more money into
the strategy right money that wasn’t there before you’re adding adding more money into the strategy, right? Money that wasn’t there before. You’re adding, adding, adding, adding, right? And so they have this feature, but you can misuse it as well, okay? So a setting like one contract is not good, okay? That’s a bad setting.
So you need to go to percent of equity. Now, if you go to percent of equity, then you have to choose what percentage to give. Now, let’s give the strategy the benefit of the doubt. Okay, let’s put 100%. So it takes 100% of the money that it has available and reinvest it, reinvest it, reinvest it forever. Okay. Now, this is not what you should be doing with your real money.
But this is for testing, backtesting, right? So if this strategy has a low drawdown, and it actually has a low drawdown of 3.6%, which is quite nice, then you could do that, right? But for testing the strategy, if you actually like it in general, you can put 100. And then later on, you try with lower numbers, right? And see how it performs then.
But that’s how I like to do it, to stress test it. If I give it all the money all the time, can it deal with it, right? Can it actually keep the drawdown low and also a lot of net profit cool now the next thing that you need to know after learning this is that you cannot have a commission of zero okay a commission of zero doesn’t make any sense any exchange will want money from you right and they should right they should stay alive by making money okay and how do you find out what the commission is for the exchange that you’re using well it’s quite easy go to google and google it right buy bit fees buy bit fees trading fees click that’s it guys this
is the fee table quite simple if you’re not a vip then you pay 0.1 and why not use 0.1 worst case scenario right if you have vip levels you might pay less it’s all nice but if you are below certain amount of volume and they explain it all here then you pay 0.
1 now for example there are other exchanges let me go back here like kraken fees they are very expensive okay so fee structure first link guys okay it’s very simple okay so you go down and you can see here that on the spot you pay for the taker taker is when you do market orders you pay 0.4 which is massive okay so that means not that they’re idiots right but it means that they don’t want people who trade on the short term because on the short term you have so many trades you pay them so much money it doesn’t make sense so they want to encourage people to use their exchange for longer term
strategies and by the way at the end of the video i will give you such a strategy that will work longer term even on kraken but keep in mind okay that this fee here needs to match with what you have in trading view otherwise it’s unrealistic so 0.1 is something that is way more realistic now as you have seen right you see how much it has changed the profit so if i go from zero or back to zero then it makes 32 800 which is massive of course because you get trading for free right but if you don’t get trading for free you pay 0.1
which a lot of people will then you already have 10 800 less percent points that’s huge okay just like keep in mind and also you cannot have slippage of zero guys okay because you’re on a 15 minute chart and on those charts prices are moving very fast and if you send an order it will take a little bit to get executed right so you don’t get exactly the price that is on your screen okay because time has to pass physics guys okay the speed of light in any case let’s put three ticks here to be more realistic but as you can see it doesn’t really
change the result much so that’s actually good oh guys i have to show you one more thing going back to the settings never guys never activate this checkbox because if you activate this checkbox it will constantly calculate and it might get into a trade but then the candle closes in a different way and it’s actually not in a trade, but you are already in a trade because it does intraday or intracandle calculations.
So in order to not get wrecked, okay, because this is repainting, right? It’s a repainting problem. In order to not get wrecked, please deactivate this before you automate the strategy. Actually keep it deactivated forever, okay? It’s better to not touch this checkbox. This checkbox has lost people a lot of money okay just leave it deactivated and now let’s continue and now we have a strategy that makes 20 000 profit okay but how realistic is this freaking result because if it is right then we can put all our
money and call it a day right but there is one bug in this strategy that you cannot spot easily. That’s why you subscribe to this channel. And it’s just based on the version of the code of the strategy. So there is Pinescript and the Pinescript is the language in which these strategies are written. And the problem is that the old versions of Pinescript have a bug. And if you’re using a particular function which this strategy is using, you can get screwed.
Because then the results look better than they are okay so this bug is very hidden and that’s why i’m showing you all right so you don’t get wrecked so i will click this button up there to copy the code into my own strategy that i can then edit but i will edit only one number and that’s the version number of pine script i will keep the code as it is and it will start losing money massively guys okay and so if you are running this strategy in real life those would be the real numbers so let me show you how that works okay so i will now click on this button here so this is the code but
i can’t edit this right because it’s the code of the other guy so i will click here on create a working copy and then here i will change the title i will say real the real mega crypto bot strategy i will just delete this because we don’t need this short title and i want to change this one number okay i will change it from version 2 to version 3.
that’s it okay the logic of the strategy is the same now let’s save this save it here and now let’s add it to the chart, guys. And before I show you the numbers, we need to actually make sure that we have the same settings for this strategy as we have with the other one because otherwise it’s not fair, right? So we have 1,000 bucks. We have 100%, right? 100%. We have 0.1% commission.
We have a slippage of three. We have this checkbox off. So let’s go. Now, this is the real result of this strategy, guys, okay? percent commission we have a slippage of three we have this checkbox off so let’s go now this is the real result of this strategy guys okay and as you can see it loses almost 60 percent of the equity right i mean uh let me go back to the other one right this one makes 20 000 same time frame okay same everything same settings same everything is the same strategy okay it’s just interpreted
from the pine script version three okay but why the hell is okay it’s just interpreted from the pine script version 3. okay but why the hell is it such a big difference in the performance numbers and how can you spot it yourself okay by the way i noticed that it’s not the same settings because i didn’t put initial capital to 100 but guys the percentage number is exactly the same right so we’re looking only at the percentage numbers now it’s exactly at the same initial capital as well, but it’s still a bad strategy. So why the hell, again, is it so bad? Well,
because of one function. And if I scroll way down, I can see here, the strategy is entering a long position here, right? And here it is entering a short position, by the way, because it’s parameting zero, whenever it opens a short, it automatically closes the long and the other way around. So it doesn’t have more than one position at any point in time.
But anyway, the problem here is that it’s using the function called security and security has a feature called look ahead. Look ahead, guys. That sounds like looking into the future, which is exactly what it is. Okay. Now the problem with this function is that in version number two and number one of pine script this was set to true to on guys like what the hell who is setting this stupid thing to on by default now the default value of this look ahead is off now from version three onwards okay so that is why now when you set the strategy to version three onwards. Okay, so that is why now when you set the strategy to version three,
you’re getting the actual result that you would get in real life. And for the people wondering what the security function even does, it’s fetching price information from a particular chart. So you can fetch price information for a completely different symbol, different chart and different timeframe.
But in this case, it’s fetching it from the same ticker, right, so the same chart, but the period is fixed, which is quite cool because basically, if the user is moving around different timeframes, daily, five days, one week, one month, the strategy always uses internally the same timeframe to calculate its trades, which can be very helpful.
So that’s why this is used. But well, the problem is that it has this bug with the look ahead. I call it the bug because it should never have been turned on by default. And so this is how people can, without even knowing, they can create strategies that look like they’re very profitable, but they’re not.
Now, the problem that you have now is how do you know even that this is the issue, right? Well, what you can do is you can do a couple of things, right? So you can click on these three dots here and then you can go about this script and when you scroll down because this is an open source script which a lot of them are you can see it’s version two so that’s already a problem you should never use version two scripts because they can have this and other issues and then when you expand the code and you just search for security if you find that you already know it’s bad okay just don’t use
it and also you can read the comments i even left a comment here to protect people from using this okay but in any case this is something you can do right but the easier thing to do is simply avoid scripts that are version one or version two and they have to mention the version there is no other way they have to put it here and the only thing is if it’s a hidden script right where you don’t see the code then maybe require somebody to send you a screenshot of only this top portion or the settings on the top portion just so you know what you’re dealing with
but version 2 is definitely not good and you have another benefit that trading view doesn’t really like when people publish scripts with the old languages with the old versions so they will basically bend and they will just take them offline right so only the ones that are very old and they won’t check them anymore those can be a problem but new fresh ones they have to be version 5 and version 5 is okay right so this is a massive problem that you can run into if you don’t know about this problem and again guys right it’s a massive difference in performance. If you see this performance, you will put all of your money. Okay. And this is very risky, guys.
Okay, you should not put all of your money. And this is why you’re again, you’re subscribing to this channel, because I’m sharing this information with you guys. I’m an engineer myself. So I figured this stuff out. And then I share it with you. So guys, I wanted to get rich quick, I wanted to automate this strategy. And I wanted to use Signum for that. Because with Signum, I wanted to get rich quick.
I wanted to automate this strategy and I wanted to use Signum for that because with Signum, I can automate any trading strategy in seconds without touching the code whatsoever. Like, of course not, right? And this would be so easy, right? But then after I looked at all of these things that I just mentioned in this video, I found that it’s actually gonna lose me money, right? So of course I don’t wanna lose my money, but if you want a good strategy, right, that you can fully automate on your own exchanges then get the gaussian channel strategy the gaussian channel by the way is not meant for the 15 minutes it’s not meant for 30 minutes right
it’s not meant for one hour it’s not meant for four hour because those are time frames where you don’t have a high chance of success it’s meant for the one day chart and it works on many assets it’s a free strategy it’s one of mine I want to help people with this so if your portfolio is below 10k then consider using this strategy it makes thousand eight hundred percent profit with the same settings here that you have heard also in this video since 2018 you don’t have to change any of these other
settings 2018 is just the start where I start testing all of my strategies okay guys now this strategy works on solana as well and it works on other coins so go and have fun with it in order to get access you need to come to our telegram the link is down below and just say hey i want access to the strategy this is my tradingview username please give me access and boom you will get access it’s a free strategy this is one of the better strategies that you will find on the internet because it’s fully free, okay?
Having a good strategy that is free is very, very hard. Very, very hard. But that’s why, again, you are here because I’m here to help you guys, okay? So you take this freaking strategy, you automate it with Signum, which takes you freaking 10 seconds, okay? If you do it right, you create an alert, you copy paste something here, you click create.
It’s easy, guys, okay? And so then you just leave it alone. This is the way the way in my opinion if you’re searching for short-term trading strategies then you can run into the issues that i just shown you before that you have strategies that basically mess with you because they are not really profitable it just looks like they might be but you have to take care of all the settings but now because you watch this video you know how to test it before you lose money, guys, right? So if you like all of that, make sure to destroy the like button,
subscribe to this channel, and put a freaking comment, guys, okay? Put a comment if this video helped you, okay? I see you in Telegram, and this is the next video you should watch. It’s trade and view Uh-huh Ooh yeah Ooh yeah Strategies, we know what to do Yeah Do yeah Yeah Stop loss, I said Watch the bars rise and fall