ULTIMATE TradingView Guide – Charts, Indicators, Strategies, Deep-Backtest, Trading Alerts
That’s right, guys. In this video, I’m gonna solve all of your TradingView issues. We have a very large community of over 4,500 people in Telegram, and of course, over 70,000 on YouTube. Oh my God, it’s crazy. And you have a lot of questions about TradingView, a lot of confusion here and there. So this video contains all the answers for all of your TradingView questions.
Questions like, how do strategies even work in TradingView? Also, why is the backtesting tool sometimes flawed and for example the deep backtesting is basically useless in my opinion i show you why in this video also how to open or create a new strategy because trading view has changed their user interface a little bit why you sometimes put a strategy on the chart and you see no trades happen whatsoever how to fix that as, why the buy and hold return in the back testing performance summary is actually a wrong measurement and how to do it better, which chart
to use when you are actually considering automating your trading strategies and much, much more everything in this video. That’s why this video is very long, but that’s because this should be kind of a lexicon for you, right? You can jump to the question that you have. Of course, you can also watch the whole video, which will help me a lot right like just do it right but if you just want to jump around i will put timestamps down below in the video description and you can jump exactly where you want to jump to where you want to learn something this video is long because it has a lot
of information right so you’re welcome okay i put a lot of time into giving you all this information in a very easy to understand way so let’s keep this intro very short in that case. And as always, this video is not financial advice. You can lose all of your money because crypto is very risky.
But that is why you subscribe to this freaking channel. You watch my freaking playlist. It’s called All Go Trading Knowledge and it will change your trading life forever. OK, you subscribe to this channel. You click the bell. You like this video because then and only then your chances of making money are at an all time high. Exactly.
So with all of that in mind, let’s get started. Alright guys, I have huge value for you in this video. And let’s get started because we have so much to talk about. And I don’t want to make this video too long. We’re going to go through all of this stuff that I have here in this diagram. First of all, we’re going to look at what is data or the chart.
What does it mean even? Then we’re going to understand that this data is passed over to the strategy, right? And the strategy then does something with it. I’m going to explain to you all of that. And then I explain to you how the trading alerts then can lead to you automating the trading strategy on your exchanges, whichever you are using, right? And all of that I’m going to explain to you in this video.
And we’re going to start, first of all, with the data. I want you to understand what the data is because some people are a bit confused about this and I understand because nobody explains this stuff. And so, first of all, the data is the stuff that you give the strategy to work with, okay? So it gets the chart, okay? It gets basically the price information, the, you to work with.
Okay, so it gets the chart, okay, it gets basically the price information, the, you know, open, close, high and low, right? When you talk about candles, those are the four different data points, plus some of the charts have a volume profile, right? How much money has been traded per day, right? And that is important, because some of the trading strategies will need the volume data in the pine script to work with okay but not all of them depends which strategy you’re using if you’re using the gaussian channel strategy then it’s not needed because it’s not using this volume data but let’s say you’re using
a different strategy and you don’t have a chart that gives you the volume data you will have issues right because the strategy can’t actually operate properly okay so the data consists of two different things it is the chart right the price information and the volume information how does this look like in trading view well pretty simple if you go and change the chart basically the data source that you want to give to your strategy then you’re going to see that you can get the bitcoin usd values or data from bitstamp, you can get it from Coinbase,
but also you have the index chart, which is provided, as you can see by the logo, from TradingView themselves. So they are doing some magic to combine data together to give you even better data. And also the crypto chart, which is also a synthetic version of the chart given by TradingView or Binance and so on, right? So long story short, the exchange charts, the data coming from exchanges, they always gonna have volume information, okay? The problem is only that some assets are not listed on an exchange very quickly, right? So that means sometimes when you
go to a chart from an exchange where the asset was listed very late, like for example on crypto.com you can see that this bitcoin chart starts only in november 2020. now well that’s not awesome right and the problem with that is that when i apply my strategy later on i will show you in this video then it doesn’t have a lot of data to work with but if you’re using the right chart aka the right data source then you can have a bitcoin chart that goes back to 2009 okay gives you more data gives you more confidence that your back testing data makes sense and it worked for a long time
so of course i’m not going to use that chart because yes it has volume data but it doesn’t really have a long price history so long story short if you want volume data then pick only the charts or the data sources from exchanges, but also go through them and pick the one that has the longest price history, okay? Oftentimes, you have Binance with the longest price history or Kraken or Coinbase maybe, right? Because they have been around for a long time. So make sure to know that. And then you have also the index
chart, which exists only for Bitcoin and Ethereum. And you can find it by searching for ETHUSD, right? And you find the index, but you don’t find it for Solana USD, for example, or any other coin because simply TradingView does not provide it. But what they do provide is a crypto chart. A crypto chart combines data from on-chain and also from exchanges to have longer price history, but it is missing volume data, okay? So if you need volume data, then make sure to have the volume profile on your chart as an indicator,
right? You can search for it here, right? Click on volume, and you can see it’s pretty much, it’s not there, no? Like there is no volume. You see there is an error even, so because the crypto chart doesn’t have volume. If I go to the Bin binance data chart then you see the volume data appears and i’m able to use it in my pine script or my strategy has access to it because the chart gives it to the strategy okay so keep in mind if you need volume take a chance from an exchange if you are trading bitcoin ethereum definitely then take the index chart because that’s definitely
the best one and if you don’t need volume data then the crypto chart is the best one for you because it has huge price history it goes the furthest into the past as possible all right we have talked about this now let’s go to the next one choosing the time frame so going back to trading view whenever you’re choosing a time frame a lot of people are clicking on these buttons on the bottom here which i don’t even know what they’re doing so don’t click it it ever. It’s fully confusing. Don’t touch it because this is not the
timeframe that we’re talking about. When we’re talking about the timeframe, then we’re speaking of the time interval here or this one. So how much data is included in each of these candles, right? So in this candle here or here or here, any candle of this includes one full day of information because I’m on the one day chart.
But if you want to go to the four hour chart, now every candle includes four hours of price information. And you can also click here and you can just type it in. Basically, you can say one hour and then it will go to the one hour chart where each candle is one hour.
OK, but if you’re using the Gaussian channel strategy, which I’m talking about a lot on this channel, then use it on the one day chart or on the four hour chart where I have a video explaining how to set it up so that it also works fine on this timeframe. I will link it up top. There will be a lot of videos linked because I already talked about all of that. But in this video, I wanna just put it all together so it’s easy for you to understand.
Okay, so you choose the chart, right? Remember, okay, you choose the chart, then you choose the time frame on the top here, right? But make sure whenever we’re saying, hey, choose the one day chart, then it is about here, this upper region, one day, D, not one M, because that is one minute, okay? So trading on the one minute chart, guys completely madness and i will make another video explaining why trading on lower time frames is actually losing most people money like most people lose money on these time frames and it has a reason okay it has a reason and that is why
in our community we’re always saying use the one day chart because your chances of making money is way higher on that chart okay and long story i will make another video because it’s a long topic okay just make sure to not be on the 1m chart because it looks here like one like one day but it’s not one day okay one means one minute okay or 30 means 30 minutes but if you’re on the one day it says 1d okay that is one day okay this is the one that most of the time would be the best one for you to choose
now let’s talk about why it can happen that you have different numbers on different charts although you’re using the same strategy and i kind of told you before but let’s figure it out i’m back on the bitcoin one day index chart right and i don’t like all this information on the chart as you know so i go to style and I just disable all of that stuff because it’s very annoying.
Now, this strategy starts trading in 2018 and until the future with some parameters. It’s all great. And these are the numbers that we get for that. That is nice. But what if I choose a chart that doesn’t even go that far into the past, that doesn’t start in 2018? Instead, it starts way later than that, right? So for example, if you go to the crypto.com chart, for some reason, you choose the crypto.
com version of the Bitcoin USD chart, right? You click on that and then you get way different numbers. Okay, you get only 135% profit with 22% drawdown, basically completely different numbers. And the reason is very simple, guys, because this chart chart the first candle is sometime in november 2020 but this strategy started trading 2018 like if you go to the other chart it has this data and it can make money on it right because it goes into the past until 2009 right so when i start 2018 which is here then it has enough data to trade on okay
and that is the reason why you can have different performance numbers, just because the chart doesn’t start early enough, okay? But if you’re going to, for example, the Coinbase chart, the numbers are very same. If you’re going to the Bitstamp chart, the numbers are very, very similar.
If you’re going to the, let’s say, Binance chart, the numbers are different. This started in 2020 again, right? So it’s not good. So the numbers are not the same, okay? Because you can’t even compare. So you always have to make sure that your timeframe that you’re trading on, right? And the chart, they’re synchronized, okay? So you can’t trade 2018 sometime here, but your chart isn’t there.
Like it doesn’t make any sense. So make sure to keep that in mind. a lot of people are super confused about this so just use the best chart with the longest price history and then you’ll be fine all right we covered all of these three that is very nice and we’re gonna cover this topic here why lower time frames are so hard to trade on in a different video okay so make sure to be subscribed this is a very important topic a lot of people are losing money because of that so make sure to be subscribed but now let’s go over to the strategy part of the video and explain to you a lot of
details on how strategies work on trading view and make sure that you avoid a lot of the problems okay over in trading view i’m back on the bitcoin one day index chart and i want to show you how the strategy tester works basically we’re going to talk about exactly this item over here.
And first of all, I want to show you that an indicator is not the same as a strategy. And you see what just happened there? Whenever I turn on an indicator, then the strategy tester doesn’t do anything because the indicator doesn’t do anything, right? It doesn’t have any trading signals.
There are no numbers i can look at and that’s fine i mean that’s how it is right that’s how it’s done and it does have you know inputs and everything but it doesn’t trade okay there is no trading signal there is no back test there’s no data you can use right but when you turn on a strategy then you see immediately that it looks different right you see backtest information on the bottom the strategy tester shows you the kpis it shows you the list of trades it shows you the performance summary all of this data is there and also the chart looks a bit different because you see all of these arrows on the chart and you can see for example that trading happened from here right this was the first trade
somewhere and then here there was no trading happening why is that the case well because in the settings it starts trading only from 2018 and that was exactly here okay and that’s fine right and so these arrows they mean something it means that the blue arrow is a buy signal and the pink arrow somewhere here is the sell signal right and whenever you see blue it means it was buying going long and when you see pink it means it was selling okay closing the position you can also short but in this case this particular strategy does not short by the way you can see that here
as well that it doesn’t short at all right it only goes long and if you have a strategy that is shorting then make sure to check if it actually makes money when shorting because a lot of strategies actually lose money when shorting and let me show you that right now spontaneously and i’m gonna search for the super trend strategy and the super trend strategy.
You can add it to your chart and you can see it actually loses money when shorting. So yeah, it does shorting. That’s nice, but it doesn’t really help you. Okay. So actually if you would avoid the shorts, you will make more money. Okay. So make sure to check it. It’s in the performance summary and you see it here on this side. All right.
So let’s remove the super trend because that was just a kind of a quickie but i want to show you that you can basically distinguish between indicators and strategies simply by checking if you see any kind of back test okay so the indicator doesn’t have a back test right and the strategy does have a back test so that’s a big difference And you can automate only strategies that actually have trading signals.
So if you have an indicator, then you have to convert it into a strategy first, which is why one of my videos has over 500,000 views, because I show you how to do that. And I’m going to link it here on the top right side of your screen. You can watch it afterwards. And if you have an indicator that has some labels on the chart that says buy and sell, it doesn’t mean that those are trading signals.
Because as long as you don’t have a backtest with actual numbers on how good this strategy, sorry, this indicator actually performed, then you don’t know what you’re getting into, which is again why this video that I was talking about is so popular, because indicators, they look better than they actually are.
And you have to really combine multiple indicators to actually create a good and strong strategy, right? That is why there is another video on my channel, I will link it again, which is you take a strategy that already has some logic and you want to add an indicator to it to make it even better, right? I have a solution for that as well.
So watch it later as well. Okay, let’s go deeper into the strategy tester. And I want to show you a couple of traps basically, that you might run into okay so if you are going to the performance summary and you go to look at the buy and hold return it will show you some number the problem with this number is though it’s not really accurate okay and the reason why that is is because the strategy tester it thinks that the first trade that you made is also the first trade it should go from and calculate from there what the buy and hold return was now the problem is though that your
strategy avoided all of this stuff and why not give the strategy basically this benefit because actually the trading happened on 1st of january 2018 right not here on the bottom right so in that case you have to start measuring from exactly 1st, right? So in that case, you have to start measuring from exactly 1st of January and go until today and you have to measure yourself, which is only 607%, okay? And by the way, if you want to invoke this measurement tool, then either you press shift and click and then drag or you go here, you click on this measurement tool and then you click wherever you want to start
and then you drag it wherever you want to stop right and the price of bitcoin is exactly here right so it’s 500 600 and it’s definitely not 952 right so it’s a bit weird and especially when you have a strategy that fully avoided the whole let’s say the whole bear market like my strategy for example here right and it started buying only let me turn off the other one, it started buying only here on the bottom, then the buy and hold return is not from here, right? Because my strategy started already here, okay? It avoided all of this stuff and it didn’t make mistakes on the way down. So
the buy and hold return, again, is 600% and not measured from from here which will lead into 2400 let’s check actually what it really says it says 2400 but it’s again it’s not correct it’s just because these people here right they think that people have to trade on a daily basis or something like that so the first trade is fine because they will trade a lot anyway but But no, I’m not trading a lot. Okay. My whole point of trend following, which is the whole point of why I’m so successful with trading
strategies is because I don’t trade a lot only. I trade only when it makes sense. So if I avoid all of this, it doesn’t mean that buy and hold return starts from here because it means that you would be smart enough manually to buy the bottom. Like it’s not going to happen. So the buy and hold return calculation is simply wrong. Okay.
You just have to calculate it yourself, use the measurement tool and start where your strategy is starting. And the strategy is starting in this case on 1st of January, 2018. So that’s where you have to start measuring. Okay. The next thing you need to know is about the deep backtesting tool, because many people think that this is actually a more accurate way to test your strategy but the question is is it really more accurate let me show you how many bugs i was able to find with this freaking testing tool so first of all you see that the first trade that
we have with this strategy which buys when the price goes above the upper line was here on the 25th of april 2018 okay and if i turn on the deep back testing okay and i run it and i give him 2018 as the start and basically today as the end which is fine the first trade was on the 18th of february now let’s see where the price was on 18th of february okay so 18th of february the price was exactly here was it above the upper line of the freaking gaussian channel strategy no so this test is completely
useless because this trade would never happen in real life because the price wasn’t even close to the upper line of the gaussian channel so the deep back testing tool is actually lying to me right now and that is why of course i get different numbers right i get a bit less profit and i get a bit less profit factor and all this stuff but it’s well it’s not accurate it’s simply wrong and the next issue i have with it is that it calculates trades completely weird okay so let me show you what i mean so this is the third trade on this asset this is fetch ai us dollar chart
binance one day okay and the third trade if you actually put your eyes on this number over here and i turn on the deep back testing you see this was minus 12.53 okay cool a losing trade i get it right that trade by the way was exactly this one here, right? This one. And tell me where are the 12% loss? Because I don’t see them, okay? So that’s basically impossible, okay? This trade was about 4% loss, but not 12.
So if I turn this on again, it’s 12. And this happens over and over again, okay? And you can look at any chart you like on Fetch.ai on this day from this day to this day right 6th of june 2019 until 7th of june 2019 there was no 12 drop okay any chart you look at it didn’t happen so the deep back testing tool is useless for me because it basically shows wrong numbers the next thing you need to know is about avoiding unrealistic results and i have a video about that right it’s called too good to be true again a video i will link up top ultra important
video by the way and let me show you very very quickly on the gaussian channel how i can make this strategy produce unbelievable amounts of profit so i just switch from the percent of equity to contracts and i don’t change anything else and you can see it makes 746 000 profit stuff like that if i go back to percent of equity suddenly it makes only 1895 profit which is way more accurate of course and so i mean i explain it in the video check that other video why that’s the case but guys these are the settings make a screenshot of this these are the settings you
should use for testing your strategy because otherwise you get completely random results okay so 100 of equity pyramiding well that depends on your strategy you have to put a commission you have to put slippage okay because especially if you’re going on lower time frames on the one day is not so important but if you go below one day this is very important and the next thing you need to know is about this checkbox here right unrealistic results number two basically using standard open high low close
candles so if i turn this off okay and it doesn’t change anything now but if i now switch to the high kaneshi candles okay then suddenly it makes 9667 profit magic right no okay it’s just because you actually can see here the warning back testing on non-standard charts produce unrealistic results which is the case so that is why if you are using a pine script version 5 or higher you have this feature here to be able to use the high kineshi or some other non-standard candles but to actually trade with the real
numbers on the exchange at that point in time so using standard open high low close prices to buy and sell because that’s what the exchange will give you right but using the high kineshi to make decisions right so then the results are way more realistic because now it’s 1725 and actually it’s worse than using normal candles okay so keep in mind using non standard candles you must check this box otherwise you are getting nice numbers but they will not be realistic which is also why when i give you the gaussian channel strategy this is checked by
default to protect you from this mistake you’re welcome the next issue i see a lot of people have is that the strategy doesn’t produce any trades and your chart and your back testing tool looks like this right it says the strategy did not generate any orders throughout the testing range and that can have multiple reasons reason number one can be simply that TradingView doesn’t yet understand that you have access to the gaussian channel you still have a red lock here and in that case simply well make sure you go here
to the strategies you click on get access you put your tradingview username here and you’re actually using this strategy the gaussian channel strategy okay in this case and then make sure to reload the whole tradingview thing just to make sure that it fully understands you have access and everything but if it’s still an issue right then click on this settings cog over here and then make sure to change the date range.
Change the date range in such a way that it actually has data to work with. Because if you go into the past, you can see that the chart of Bitcoin was super strange in the beginning. It didn’t even have proper candles, right? Those are not really candles. I don’t even know what that is. So it can actually cause issues for the strategy if it requires, you know, open, high, low, close information.
Depends on the strategy, of course. And you see, the first actual real candle was on the 5th of May, 2010. Now, if I go here and I put 2010, 5th of May, right? And I click OK, then you see the message has changed. Now it says, cannot create any order with negative quantity it means basically it means that it lost all the money okay so at some point it started losing all the money and that is why it doesn’t show anything right because it always trades with 100 and at some point it has no money left because when you start so early this strategy
didn’t really produce proper results i mean basically, basically lost all the money. Okay. So if you want to start from a different time, then this can give you results. Now you see, I changed it and still on the bottom, I see nothing. So I will click on save on the top and I will just reload the whole thing.
Often I have to reload, honestly, because otherwise it will not really understand what just happened. And so you can see when I start 2011, then it actually works. Let’s go further back let’s see how far back i can actually go 2010 5th of may was well the problem june let’s say july let’s say maybe october okay october seems to be working you see save and the strategy tester is still mega confused so again i have to save the layout so that it saves also these settings right and then reload the whole thing okay and boom it works right so this can happen it’s just you know some glitches some bugs in trading view
but overall it works if you do it like that the next thing that is a bit confusing is that trading view changed the layout for the pine script editor a little bit after i made my crazy videos which got 500 000 views and i want to show you very quickly what changed. You click on the PineScript editor and most people are asking, hey, where is this button where it says open so I can open a new strategy or create a new strategy? And they simply moved it over here.
You see this small arrow, manage script. And what you can do now is you can open a script, right? Or you can also create a new one and click on strategy. And there you go. Same as before, just that the button moved into this menu. The next thing I want to talk about are trading alerts. And I see a lot of people doing small mistakes, but they end up being catastrophic.
So let me explain exactly what’s happening here. So if you have a strategy open, right, then you have a strategy backtest, which is amazing. You know all of that. That’s great. You want to take advantage of all of these buy and sell signals. You want fully automate them well i have a video i will link it up top but i want to in this video i want to show you some of the mistakes that people make which is funny because in my automation videos i show you exactly how to do it but if you are clicking on this button here to create an alert for the trading strategy that’s fine right you’ll be fine but if you have the weird idea okay to open the alerts panel and to click on this plus button to automate
the strategy that is wrong okay because here you are automating the condition of price crossing some value right that’s not the same as let me show you automating the strategy where the condition is the strategy itself, okay, which is completely different, all right? So if you’re automating a strategy, then please click the alert button next to the strategy name inside of the strategy tester.
It’s a completely different feature, right? I know it looks the same for you, but it’s not, okay? It’s fully different. So you have to click this button here, right? And then you go to Signum, you know how it works, right? You go here, you click on whichever strategy you have, you copy this message and you put it here, right? And you give it a name, basically. The name is also given here.
So just copy this, right? You know this from my videos, right? And then you have to make sure to have the webhook URL put here as well, which is another thing you can copy from Signum where it will basically then fully automatically execute the trade, right? So all of this will be sent to this URL to Signum and it will then basically automate.
In this case, it will send a signal to my Binance account that’s connected with this API key and all this stuff. You know all of that if you watched the other videos and if not, well, you will watch will watch them right because you want to automate your trading but the next thing that i want to show you is after i create this alert it will appear on the right side and a lot of people are not sure how can i see which settings i was using in this strategy and oh my god you know because you are confused about how to see what the alert is actually doing and then on top of that you are afraid to how to see what the alert is actually doing. And then on top of that,
you are afraid to actually change anything in your chart because, oh my God, if I change the strategy, if I delete it from here, then my trading alerts will not work anymore. But that’s not the case, right? Because the trading alert is there forever until you kill it, right? Or until it expires because you might have a plan where you don’t have open-ended alerts and they will expire whenever the date is hit okay depends on your plan i will talk about this later but after you created the alert right the alert has everything inside of it that it needs to run
forever like i said unless it expires so as you can see here when you hover over with the mouse on your alert you can see everything okay you can see the chart the name of the strategy the parameters of the strategy that you have been using and by the way you see here is hlc3 4144 1.
414 and those are the numbers that you see here in the well let me put back the strategy that you see here right in the inputs right inputs, right? You see HLC3, 4, la, la, la, right? Those numbers are part of the alert. So you can actually know which parameters it had. Yes, granted, it doesn’t show you the properties.
So any settings that you made here will not reflect in the alert, agreed. So if you want those, then put them in the title, right? You can just put anything in the title that you like to remember parameters that you want to remember right so that is not a big issue then you see the payload right this JSON file with the brackets and also in the small version without hovering over you can see the chart the time frame that it’s active and stuff like that right so all this stuff shows you that you did it correctly right it shows you even after three months or one year, if you hover over what is
actually happening here, right? And so you can fully delete the strategy from the chart. You can go to another chart. You can do whatever you like. And this alert will not be disrupted by any of that, right? So the chart on the left side, yes, it matters when you create the alert. In the moment you create it, everything has to be perfect.
But after you created the alert the alert will be set in stone right and it doesn’t change anymore so don’t be afraid to mess around after creating the alert and then one more thing you need to know is if you click on the alert it will take you to the chart it will take you to the same time frame that was used here in the alert but it will not activate the strategy because it’s not even on your chart and the reason for that is that most people don’t have you know unlimited indicators so it can’t simply add it for you because depends on your plan so you hover over here you see this is the gaussian channel strategy v3 so you simply add
it back onto your chart in case you deleted it right you make sure that the parameters are the same right the ones here right with the ones that you see here. And well, that’s how it works, right? So if you have a plan in TradingView where you can keep it here because you don’t run out of indicators, then keep it here, right? But it doesn’t matter, right? Even if you delete it, your alert will still continue working.
Another thing that confuses people is, can you have multiple alerts on the same asset? Yes, of course you can. And so you can basically, let me give you some examples. You can go to the four hour chart, right? You can set up the Gaussian channel so that it works well on the four hour.
I have a video, I will link it up top on the parameters that work well on that. And then you create another alert, then you have two of them. Then you can even turn on a different strategy. You go back to the one day, right? And let’s say you want to use this one. This is mine, for example. You want to use this one. You create another alert, right? But of course, each of these alerts will go to its own bot on Signum, if you’re using Signum, right? And that’s the thing that I would recommend to use.
And then each of them will go to different subaccounts, right? So that the funds are always separated from each other. So each alert has its own bot and each bot has its own account. And that makes it very easy to keep funds separated from each other so each alert has its own bot and each bot has its own account and that makes it very easy to keep funds separated from each other and you can see the profit and loss for each one and you know exactly what happened right even after years of running this alert so you can use multiple
alerts on the same asset multiple strategies on the same asset so that’s no problem okay just go and do it if you want to do it one limitation you can have is the pricing plan that you’re using so you need at least the essential plan so that you can actually use the webhook feature otherwise it will not allow you to send this price alerts or this technical alerts how they call it to a different software for trading purposes so yeah you have to have at least the essential plan essential plan plan costs you, well, not a lot
of money, to be honest, for the value that you’re getting, but you can create 20 technical alerts. And as you can see here, they refer to indicators, strategies, and drawings on the chart. So let’s say that you can automate 20 different trading bots, okay? Then if you go to the plus, you can have 100.
And if you go to the the premium you can have 400 technical alerts like nobody needs that right but the premium has another thing that is very cool which is that your alerts don’t expire which they do expire on the other plans meaning that you have to come back if you have the premium sorry if you have the plus or the essential you have to come back every two months and you have to go through all of your alerts and you have to edit them and put the date into the future right as far as you can and they allow you only two months into the future if you have the premium you can click on open ended alert and perfect so that can
be very cool for people that are on vacation for a long time or on business trips or whatever and you want to have complete peace of mind then we’ll take this plan and it’s much better for you okay guys wow we went through a lot of stuff and as you can see here we have check boxes on all of these things that i wanted to show you and the last thing i want to show you just to give you an idea on how automation actually really works so basically you have a strategy right and the strategy produces these trading alerts they will go through the trading alerts and then this alert right this is actually triggering the signal to go to whichever software
you’re using for automation in this case here i have signum which is my own software and it’s very very easy to use it’s made for retail investors right because it has to be simple right not complicated like the other guys and i have two videos which are quite popular for showing you exactly how to automate i will link them up top as well the first one is how to automate any trading strategy without coding so this is very nice of course signum and then also how to automate specifically the gaussian channel strategy which is very popular and so you can get
started with the strategy in your hands with automation and then the signal is sent to whichever exchange that you are using and we’re going to add more and more exchanges but those ones cover the whole world so definitely you’re going to find one that you need right so keep in mind tradingview executes the alerts the alerts send the signal to a software that understands what to do with them and then in this case signum is sending the trading signals to your exchanges to actually buy and sell for you automatically and if you actually want to learn how to automate right now