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As seen in the following media:

Inflation keeps devaluing your dollars. Right now you still have a window. Setup your new financial future.

Step by step instructions on how to create your automated DeFi cash flow systems

  • Learn how to setup multiple streams of income in crypto.
  • All fully decentralized, no KYC, no approvals, all funds under your control.
  • Fully liquid where 24 hour trading volumes exceed $500k daily.
  • Get access to the hidden best performing crypto assets in the industry.
  • Learn the strategies that increase in value regardless of bear or bull market.
  • Find out why the best crypto is shadow-banned & not possible to easily find.

Real DeFi with Real Results

Earn compounding yield
Consistent DeFi profits for over the past 2 years
Outperformed 97% of top 100 crypto in bear market
Up over 1000% in past 6 months

DeFi Savings Calculator


What Is Your Next Step?

Secure Your Membership

To help you get started quickly and easily, you get access to the complete step by step program.

Follow the Blueprint

Increase your confidence as you see the entire system working before your very eyes.

Grow Your Earnings

As your funds and cash flow grow, you can expand your strategy to match to your earnings.

Listen To Other CFIRE Members

Access DeFi + AI tools to get X-Ray vision to find the hidden crypto gems

Decentralized finance (DeFi) has promised revolutionary financial products and services. Despite its potential, the DeFi space has faced these challenges and setbacks:

  1. High Volatility: Many DeFi tokens are highly volatile, making them risky investments.

  2. Inconsistent Returns: With such radical offerings that range between 5% APR to 5000% APR across the wild west of DeFi, it is no wonder that people lack confidence and clarity.

  3. Complexity: DeFi platforms can be complex and intimidating for the average user.

  4. Security Concerns: Many exploits and hacks have led to significant losses for investors.

  5. Bad Actors: Lacking track records, people fall for scams everyday. Learn to spot them.

Crypto is FIRE DAO solves all of this


Use our blueprint to generate consistent stable defi cash flow.

This permissionless DeFi decentralized finance works uninterrupted for over 2 years.  Learn how you can build wealth through automated systems.

Step by Step Set Up

100% Under Your Control Self Custody

Configure DeFi Settings To Fit You

DeFi Dashboard To Track Your Results

Open to Anyone Worldwide

Identity Protection No KYC

Fiat Payment Gateways

Top Referral Earnings

AI News

Dall-E, GPT, or Ada.

AI-Powered Generation

Advanced Dashboard

Multi-Lingual Support

Two Factor Authent.

Payment Gateways

Referral System

Access the Golden DeFi Formula

True DeFi must contain all these elements. Our system has them all. Wielding this is real power. Now you too can get full access.


Your blueprint to retiring early

F.I.R.E. DeFi systems create your own 24/7 money machine.

Members get full access to everything in this daily chart.


Membership gives you access to the full system

Tired of the Rat Race?

Crypto is FIRE guarantees the results you've been looking for

Like many others, you’re probably tired of the endless grind of work, bills, and responsibilities. You push through the daily routine, waiting for the weekend so you can be free. You know that slaving away in the matrix for years isn’t the life you wanted. 

You want something different—a life of freedom, security, and financial independence. You want to retire early!

But is it even possible to retire early and live the life you truly want?

I’m here to tell you that it IS possible.  

From Trapped to Financially Free

Not that long ago, I was stuck (maybe just like you!). I made good money, I was even able to get away on overseas vacations, but I always had a limit on how much time I could take off. In truth, I felt trapped like a hamster on a wheel of work with no way out.

Retirement was a distant fantasy that seemed unachievable. 

The beginning was breaking free with location independent work online.

But then I discovered cryptocurrency and rode the waves trading , through bull and bear markets. I made a lot… and lost a lot! Maybe you’ve been there too.

But I knew there had to be a better way, something truly automated. And that’s when I found decentralized finance (DeFi). At first, I was skeptical—it seemed risky and complicated. But when I learned the secrets of connecting multiple crypto DeFi platforms, moving funds between  passive crypto income generators, and that’s when everything changed.

I started small, investing just a few hundred dollars. I was amazed at how fast my crypto portfolio took off. Within 18 months, I had accumulated enough to cover a full year of expenses.  I was able to retire debt-free.

Now I spend my days living life on my own terms, pursuing my passions, and I get to live in my favorite exotic spots in the world.

But it’s not about me. Once I cracked the code, once I found the Holy Grail by connecting multiple systems, I knew I had to share it. This is why everything you need to be Finally Independent and Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) is inside the Crypto is FIRE system. 

You Can Break Free Too 

I created Crypto is FIRE because I wanted to help others escape the rat race and achieve financial freedom just like I have. With the right mindset shifts, combined with specific crypto wealth-building strategies, you can retire decades earlier as well.

Crypto is FIRE gives you everything you need, whether you’re a complete beginner or already have some crypto experience.

If you’re a newbie, I break everything down from A-Z, step by step.

If you’re a pro, you’ll be blown away by the hidden DeFi platforms that I guarantee you have not heard of, with the inside scoop on how to configure them for maximum results. This is the stuff no one will tell you!

Here’s what you’ll discover:

– Leverage hidden crypto gems with proven results  

– Step-by-step way to setup up a hack-proof crypto wallet

– Protocol-owned liquidity (POL) protects against volatility

– Passive income streams earn 24/7 regardless of market conditions

– Crypto retirement planning tailored to your personal financial goals

– Cultivating the abundant, financially-free mindset

– Ongoing community for support, inspiration, and accountability

– And so much more!

With Crypto is FIRE, you don’t need a huge investment or to take risky bets. You can start small and let time and compounding do the work. The key is consistency. 

Are you ready to exit the rat race and start living life on your terms?

Because of the consistent results over the past 2 years, we are so confident that you’ll be amazed by the complete system, that we guarantee if you’re not seeing results, we’ll give your money (crypto) back.

100% Crypto DeFi Secrets Revealed

The Crypto is FIRE program gives you the blueprint for generating wealth with cryptocurrency so you can break free from the daily grind. 

Click below to enroll in Crypto is FIRE today.

We look forward to helping you achieve financial freedom!

Self Custody Wallet

Step By Step Training

Money Back Guarantee

Still have questions? Browse documentation or submit a ticket.

DeFi Dashboard
Automatic Profits
AI Algorithm
Hidden Gems
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DeFi Dashboard
Automatic Profits
AI Algorithm
Hidden Gems
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DeFi Dashboard
Automatic Profits
AI Algorithm
Hidden Gems
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DeFi Blueprint
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DeFi Blueprint
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CFIRE shows you how to be your own DeFi bank

Still have questions? Browse documentation or submit a ticket.

What Is Your Next Step?

Secure Your Membership

To help you get started quickly and easily, you get access to the complete step by step program.

Follow the Blueprint

Increase your confidence as you see the entire system working before your very eyes.

Grow Your Earnings

As your funds and cash flow grow, you can expand your strategy to match to your earnings.

Listen To Other CFIRE Members

2 Years Transforming People's Lives! Join Us

Jed Minas

I had a few hours long talk with my buddy from traditional finance who secured his position earlier last year and already made 5x. His initial plan was to cash out at 5x. You know, I didn't need to convince him to change his mind. He is becoming less and less skeptical and he is the most skeptical person I know in my life. He is rich dude, co-owner of a major banking group.

11:51 AM - Jul 7, 2023

Zach Hill

I just want to thank you for changing my life and future with such an amazing opportunity to not only help myself but everyone around me through your great work. I’m so very grateful for my family introducing me to this, my light bulb 💡 went off the moment I went through the training where you explain it to me. I'm now pounding my way to stardom because of your dedication. Thank you!

9:46 PM - Feb 13, 2023

Geoff Neam

Everyone has to understand their own tolerance for investment.  Crypto is not like investing in the stock market.  But the upside here is life changing.  That's why we're all here...we believe in the technology, digital currency and specifically DeFi as done here.  I always tell my friends I onboard to target 5% of your retirement savings into high risk investments.  If you lose that, it won't kill you.  If you hit that, you retire that day.

6:22 PM - Dec 18, 2022

Philip Coldman

But ask yourself you want to be on the sidelines watching everyone celebrate each 10x?  Life changing appreciation is happening here.  This isn't hopium, it's math.  


8:34 PM - Jun 13, 2023

Susy Manning

Of course, you should do your own research. But my recommendation is to get before the major move and before the supply shock. We are looking at life-changing appreciation in the next 12 to 18 months.  DeFi yield will be there as your consistent take home profits.

3:11 PM - Mar 25, 2023

Marsel Fischer

It’s just difficult to describe. I’ve been trying to describe it for three months and I still have not  come up with the perfect description of what this protocol is. I do know it’s awesome and life-changing.


2:17 PM - Aug 26, 2023


Yearly Membership Access

Untitled design

Ignition Membership

Ignition Access

The full F.I.R.E. DeFi strategy.
Can buy with crypto or $.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy
Best Value

Meteor Membership

Meteor Access

The advanced DeFi strategy.
Can buy with crypto or $.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy

Supernova Membership

Supernova Access

Personalized DeFi strategy.
Can buy with crypto or $.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy
Cryptocurrency Converter

Get Lifetime access to every feature with Prometheus Lifetime membership


Yearly NFT Membership Access

Untitled design

Ignition NFT Membership

Ignition Access

The core DeFi strategy
Video course self study
Pre-launch yearly access

2024 price increase $2,500

Purchase NFT with crypto.

  •   101 Crypto DeFi wallet setup
  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi 30%+ affiliate business
  •   Start earning crypto $$$
  •   DAO member only bonuses $
  •   Securely move funds in & out
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Bi-week group coach check in
  •   Bi-weekly group Zoom training
  •   Alpha DeFi strategies
  •   Private mastermind alpha intel
  •   1:1 private planning strategies
Best Value

Meteor NFT Membership

Meteor Access

CFIRE advanced DeFi strategy
Videos + group coaching
Pre-launch yearly access

2024 price increase $5,000

Purchase NFT with crypto.

  •   101 Crypto DeFi wallet setup
  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi 30%+ affiliate business
  •   Start earning crypto $$$
  •   DAO member only bonuses $$
  •   Securely move funds in & out
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Bi-week group coach check in
  •   Bi-weekly group Zoom training
  •   Alpha DeFi strategies
  •   Private mastermind alpha intel
  •   1:1 private planning strategies

Supernova NFT Membership

Supernova Access

CFIRE personalized DeFi strategy
Videos + Group + 1:1
Pre-launch yearly access

2024 price increase $10,000

Purchase NFT with crypto.

  •   101 Crypto DeFi wallet setup
  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi 30%+ affiliate business
  •   Start earning crypto $$$
  •   DAO member only bonuses $$$
  •   Securely move funds in & out
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Bi-week group coach check in
  •   Bi-weekly group Zoom training
  •   Alpha DeFi strategies
  •   Private mastermind alpha intel
  •   1:1 private planning strategies
CFIRE accepts all these payments

Membership Levels

Untitled design

Ignition Membership

Ignition Pack

The core DeFi strategy.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy
Best Value

Meteor Membership

Meteor Pack

The advanced DeFi strategy.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy

Supernova Membership

Supernova Pack

Your personalized DeFi strategy.

  •   Step by step DeFi Holy Grail
  •   Complete course video library
  •   DeFi portfolio tool tracking
  •   Step by step DEX trading
  •   Automated DeFi cash flow
  •   DeFi yield farming
  •   Market forecast report
  •   Advanced DeFi blueprint
  •   Passive DeFi yield generator
  •   Monthly live Zoom training
  •   Unique NFT strategy
  •   Private mastermind
  •   Personalized strategy

Get every feature listed above for Lifetime access with Prometheus Lifetime membership

Have question? Answers here.

Some frequently asked questions about the Crypto is FIRE defi strategy.

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