How to Use METRIX for Crypto Passive Income
I’m going to show you the best DeFi tool for establishing passive income on your cryptocurrency assets. Let’s dive right in. First things first, I’m Jake Call, the founder of Metrix Finance. I was investing into cryptocurrency as a 13-year-old kid, and by the time I was roughly 17 years old, I was investing into concentrated liquidity pools through Uniswap, as well as other various platforms.
Our goal at Metrix Finance is to provide institutional-level data in a retail-friendly manner. And the whole reason for that is because I actually worked as a consultant for multiple different DeFi hedge funds and helped them allocate capital to different positions. I know exactly what metrics they’re looking at and what exactly they want to see on a position by position basis. And that’s our goal here at Metrix.
The first thing that we’re going to want to do is use CoinGecko to identify different cryptocurrency assets that we want to include in our portfolio. Now, I know I want to include Ethereum and Bitcoin in my portfolio. So what I’m going to to include Ethereum and Bitcoin in my portfolio. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to head over to the Discover page on Metrix.Finance.
And once I’m on the Discover page, I’m going to select a couple different networks and a couple different exchanges. I’m going to select the ones that I personally don’t mind providing liquidity on because I’ve had very good results with them in the past. If you really want to, you can select every single one, but I’m not going to do that.
I’m going to select the Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and Orca, and then also the Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Base, as well as BNB Chain and Solana Networks. So lots of networks, just a few different exchanges. I like to keep it relatively simple. I didn’t leave out exchanges for security risk.
I left out the exchanges just because I know that I don’t typically get as good of results on them, but we can also throw in QuickSwap here if we really want to. So let’s move further. When it goes to the actual pool list, we have 1785 different pools. Obviously, it’s going to be a pain to look through every possible pool out there.
I’m going to go over to this little filter icon where it says must include. I’m going to leave that blank for now. And then I’m going to start to list out the assets that I want to include in my portfolio, separating them by commas. So Bitcoin, Ethereum, I’m also going to go ahead and include Solana as well as Ton. I also don’t mind go ahead and include Solana as well as TON.
I also don’t mind taking on some exposure to LINK as well as UNITOKEN and MATIC token. So we’re going to throw those on the list. I’m also going to include RENDER in there as well as GRT and then FET token and TAL. So let’s do that. RENDER, GRT, FET, TAL. So we got a lot of different assets here. If we just click off of it, it’s already going to show us pools that have all those different assets in there.
Now you’re going to see that we still have 1265 pools. That’s because we have Ethereum in here and practically any asset can be paired with Ethereum. We take that out. You can see we go down to roughly 226 different pools. So we’ve significantly narrowed it down. There’s still a lot to look through. And I know right now that we’re at a good point in the market that I want to be providing liquidity for a crypto crypto liquidity pool. And the reason why is because the market is starting to retrace a little bit.
If we’re going into a bull run, then I want to be in crypto crypto. So that way I’m not getting sold into a stable coin as the price moves up. Because if I’m running an Ethereum to USDC strategy, well, guess what? As the price is moving up, my Ethereum is being sold into USDC. Whereas as the price is moving down, I’m dollar cost averaging into Ethereum.
So in the course of a bear market slash sideways market, yeah, let’s run Ethereum to USDC or crypto stable coin pair, I shall say. But in a bull market, when we’re starting to move back up in the situation that we’re currently in, having crypto crypto exposure that is correlated is pretty crucial because that means that we’re going to be able to move up together when it comes to both those assets and not get shifted into one or the other, at least not by a long and it’s still going to happen regardless but being in something like ethereum after being
shifted out of link is better than being in something like usdc after being shifted out of link or something like that so keep that in mind so what i’m going to do is i’m going to go over here to must include and i’m going to type in ethereum this is going to show me all of these different assets but their pools paired with ethereum so we get ethereum to wrap bitcoin we get ethereum to link we get ethereum to uni stuff that.
I’m going to start there and I’m going to keep on going down this list. If I want to, I could do a TVL filter above $1 million. I don’t think that’s going to take off many pools. We’re only going to take off, actually we took off about 30, so I was wrong. That’s probably filtering out the lower TVL pools on stuff like the Polygon network or over on PancakeSwap on the BNB chain, stuff like that.
But I’m fine fine looking at roughly 30 different pools i think that’s a good amount to analyze and a lot of these are going to be duplicates like we already have two ethereum to bitcoin positions doing similar performance over here so i’m just going to bookmark one and the reason why is because we can use to go and find the best one later on so i’m going to bookmark that right there i’m just going to bookmark the one that’s doing a higher return so i can start off with that one and i’m going to keep on heading down this list. Ethereum link looks interesting.
There’s also Ethereum Uni, which is doing a little bit higher than Ethereum link actually. And then we’re going to skip that. Ethereum Bitcoin. There’s Bitcoin B Ethereum on Binance Smart Chain. Once again, it’s not doing too good. We’ll bookmark Ethereum to Matic, Ethereum to Ton, Ethereum to Render. Here’s a little bit better of a return on Ethereum to Bitcoin.
If we wanted to, we can unbookmark the other one and move on to this one. I’m just going to ignore it because once again, as soon as I find the actual range, and if I really wanted to deploy into a specific pair, then I’m going to go and analyze to see what better opportunities there are. And then I’m going to head over to page two and do the exact same thing. Keep on going down this list.
Now, in reality, I would go through all 35 different pools, but in this situation, I’m going to stick to the six that I already bookmarked. We going to start over here on the ethereum to link position mainly because i’m already in this position i want to see what type of returns it’s doing and how i can actually get a better overall return on my position so i’m going to put my deposit amount at ten thousand dollars because i typically like to deploy around ten thousand dollars into a position and then over
here when it comes to my range this is where i’m going to zoom into the 30-day high and the 30-day low that’s what works for my strategy. It might not work for your strategy. You might want to use the seven day high and low, right? Use the timeframe that works for you. And you can do that by adjusting this calculation range over here.
Now I do 30 day high and low because I want to invest on roughly a 15 day timeframe, two weeks or so. That’s about how long I want to be in a position. So typically if I have 30 days, that’s going to be 15 days that I’m in a position, assuming we’re keeping up with the current trend. Basically keep that in mind.
From there, I’m going to look over at the volume history, see how this has performed over the past 30 days. And this situation has been pretty solid. It’s been moving to the right, very, very stable. It hasn’t really gone down a ton. Yes, we have seen a little bit of a decline right here, but we made up for it right over here.
When we picked up in volume, we really wanted to, we could go over to this calculation range, look at a three-day calculation range, that’s a similar return, and that’s gonna be more accurate. So let’s just keep it at 30. That’s a little bit lower. If anything, we’re gonna shock ourself, get better results. That’s great. I’m also gonna adjust the current price to look at the peak price in my range to see what type of return I’m doing over there.
And that’s a 65% APR. So that’s my lowest assumption. I’m assuming a little bit better, but still my lowest worst case scenario, 65% APR. And then from there, I’ll just revert it back to normal because I want to make sure I’m looking at accurate data when looking at ratios. This gives me 55% link, 45% ETH.
I am happy with that. So I am going to save it to my portfolio. Remember, we can dive in and we can look at other Ethereum linked positions because there might be something that’s performing better. We’re going to pull up the simulate page and we’re going to go over to pair. Once we are on pair, we are going to go over here and select the exchanges and networks just like we did on the simulate page and we’re gonna go over to pair once we are on pair we are gonna go over here and select the exchanges and networks just
like we did on the discover page by the way if you guys like this style of content make sure to drop a like and subscribe when invocations turned on and if we’re lucky maybe you’ll share us with your friend but of course I know we got to be really really good for you want to do that so let’s head over here remember I selected a theory I’m Arbitrum and basically everything until B and B chain and then also Solana so we’re gonna do that same exact process over here and then also select Solana. I’m going to put my deposit amount over here at
$10,000 and then I’m going to go ahead and select my pair, which is Ethereum to link. Full disclaimer, this can be a little bit laggy because we are pulling all this data directly from the blockchain. We have our own custom infrastructure for pulling data from the blockchain and we do rely on CoinGecko API for pulling in all these different tokens.
So once again, can’t get a little bit laggy just give it some patience we’re working on different optimizations after we build this crazy new killer product now after we enter in the different assets over here and we’ve got a deposit amount in here we also want to go over here and find out our min and max price that’s 220 to 260 basically so we’re going to throw that in here to our min and max price and it’s going to spit out all the opportunities that have Ethereum to link with that range basically. Now, as you can
see, we get about five different opportunities here. Remember, we’re looking for the best possible opportunity. It looks like it’s going to be over here on the Ethereum network, this initial one that we are looking at at roughly 77% APR. Now, if we were to go deploy into one of these other ones, it looks like we’re getting 52 over here 66 over here 73 and then 73 so let’s just deploy on the ethereum network assuming we’re deploying less than ten thousand dollars of capital maybe we want to go ahead over to like the optimism network or the polygon
network on quick swap because that’s doing a really good return very similar but at the same time we don’t have the crazy high gas fees like we have on the ethereum network so that’s a consideration there we would open that up and actually save it to our portfolio. So I’ve already done this. And then we can head into our strategize tab.
This is gonna show us all the positions that we have saved to our portfolio. Keep in mind, this is the portfolio builder. I’ve already saved a couple different positions in here. It’s showing this roughly $50,000 capital allocation, making about 113% APR. Ideally, what you would do is you would do that same exact process that I just went through, finding these different pools and then favoriting them and actually going through and finding the ranges and making sure that you found the best opportunity. And you would actually go and save
those to your portfolio, assuming you like what you see and the results that you could get out of those positions. Remember to backtest the liquidity distribution and backtest the volume history.
And of course, after you have them strategize page and you’re happy, you can go and deploy them into your actual portfolio and you can actually execute these strategies and start to earn income on your assets. Like for example, this 50 K could start to earn me 155 bucks per day. If I deploy in these member provides projections and estimations based on historical data. It is not a guarantee of what type of returns that you’re going to get. Just keep that in mind.
And pretty soon, you’ll actually be able to track the performance of your portfolio as well as individual positions over on Metrix Finance and see a lot of data that you normally cannot see on most tracking tools out there. So I’m super excited for this to come out. And if you guys are ready for this tool to come out, drop a like, let us know down below in the comments, and of course, subscribe when notifications turned on so you don’t miss out when we publish an update.
And if you guys are interested in joining our metrix pro plan there’s going to be a link to metrix pro down below description if you do use code year you’re going to be able to get roughly 80 off of the yearly plan which is going to give you a total of four months for free compared to if you were to just pay monthly and the whole reason why we’re doing that is because we’re throwing all the money that we make off of yearly plans directly back in the development of the product to build out completely new tools, just like this portfolio tracking that I just showed