DeFi Platform Walkthrough #debank #defi #web3 #portfoliomanagement #airdrop
I’m going to walk you guys through DaBank, how the stream media. And it’s rumored to also have an airdrop coming. So that could be beneficial to not just earning money for doing the stuff you already do, but also a nice little airdrop for you for participating in everything. So it’s still fairly new.
I think the stream aspect of DaBank came out a couple months ago, but it’s really starting to catch on. I’ll show you guys all the different badges and stuff that you can get so when you come to the bank your guys’s will probably look something like this okay this is just your portfolio your breakdown of all your assets things like that okay i put the community portfolio in my profile. If you guys want to follow me, I’ll put this link in here. Now, I will say that there is a Web ID fee that you can pay that gives you more features. You don’t have to do that, but then you’re on a trial run, right? It’s $96 to mint the NFT, which sounds a bit pricey, except for the fact that they’re going
to have an airdrop coming, right? There’s rumored. Everybody’s talking about an airdrop that could be anywhere between three to four figures. I’ll just show you guys to start. You can go over here. Once you’re signed in this more button down here, you can actually see everyone’s Web3 social ranking.
So this guy is the number one. His name is Anon. He’s got $34 million in his portfolio. He’s got $2 billion worth of followers. So this TDF, this is total value followers. So the amount of people following you, he’s got 62,000 and that totals 2 billion followers worth net worth, right? Another guy down here, just a guy, $21 million in his portfolio.
And it’s not just about portfolio value, obviously, right? This is a social ranking. So how this works is the algorithm that’s running in the background is calculating how much you interact with posts, how often you share the posts, how many followers you have, and how many legit followers they are.
So if you try to scam the system and just create a whole bunch of accounts with $50 in it, you’re not going to get a boost because the value proposition of this whole platform comes when you share posts, when you create posts, and things like that. comes when you share posts, when you create posts and things like that, your followers, like we’ll just go to my profile real quick. I have 37.7 million in TVF. So my rank is 7,757. You can do different things in here depending upon I have 731 followers and my TVF is 37.
7 million. So when I share a post, my contribution to the post is going up the more followers that i have right so there’s different ways that you can participate and we’ll get into that here in a second but i just wanted to show you guys once you’re in here you can just start like i follow some of these guys this guy follows me me. I followed him. He followed back.
So I get his $22 million of net worth as part of my total value followers, right? So his 22 million is counting towards my TVF. And anybody else who follows me, I get their portfolio value. I don’t get their TVF, right, from their followers. I just get get their net worth and this just keeps adding up the more that follow you so again guys this could be an absolute gold mine for you if you’re looking for mean coins you’re looking for you know what people have in portfolios they have like bots you can hook up to where you could look at this guy’s got $136 million. Another cool thing that they do,
we’ll talk about the L2 wallet. Again, like I said, super easy to get into L2. You can just use, this is deposited in the L2. You just pick whichever token you want. USDT on Binance, USDC on Arbitron. Whatever you want, your balance, your wallet balance will show up with what assets you have. And then you can deposit that into the platform. Same way, super easy to get out as well if you have profits and you want to take them out.
I was just showing you guys the vault balances. So there’s like 47,893 USDT on BSC available. You’d be able to pick that, and then you’d say how much you want to withdraw. I obviously have $43 in my L2 balance. And then there’s a small fee, I’m sure, because there is gas, but you don’t have to worry about it, right? So you would be receiving 283 out of the $3.
But again, that’s once you’ve already earned stuff on the platform or want to withdraw money that you sent over. Let’s see. So that’s how you get money onto the platform. Now let’s go into the different posts that you sent over. Let’s see. So that’s how you get money onto the platform. Now let’s go into the different posts that you can make. So you can do just a traditional post.
Hey, this is a test, right? So you can just post just like you would on Twitter, anything like that. You can also do something super cool where let’s say you write like a great article or just anything originality you can click this here once you like you know see if it’s an option once I do that I don’t know whatever but once you write one you can check this as statement of originality so nobody can copy you later on it’s it’s basically trademarked to you that you were the original poster of this.
And so people can’t and bots can’t come along and copy your work, right? You can do a thread. You can break it down with that. They have one out of two, two out of two, add more. You can do a poll, right? So this is what I’m thinking. And again, I’m going to get back to community portfolio here in a second.
But now that I’ve seen this platform, I’m going to gear everything towards this platform. A, because you guys will be able to follow along the portfolio. Super easy. Let me go to my profile. I’ll show you guys a post that I made a couple of days ago. Like I put the stream on here, right? So watch this.
I’m going to show you one that’s settled first, and then we’ll go back to the other one, this one. Okay, so this one’s settled. So I made this post. It says, don’t sleep on telos, 5X just back to all-time high with alt season starting soon. 15,200 transactions per second, zero downtime, blah, blah, blah, right? So I put 80 cents on this promotion. I deposited 80 cents.
And the reason that you’d want to deposit for the promotion is that when users interact with your post, it then creates a realized value. Okay. So follow me along here. The realized value of the post is how many users it got to, how many people read it, how many people actually interacted with it, whether that’s liked, reposted, commented. The algorithm decides what the realized value is.
Now, here’s how this works. And again, I’ve been diving into this to try and understand it. I’ve got a question into one of the guys that works at the bank because I’m still a little confused about one section, but I’m going to explain it to you the best way I understand it so far. And I know this to be true.
So Peter Pan contributed, whether that’s from reading it, sharing it, sharing it with his following, so on and so forth. His contribution was $3.02. His contribution was $3.02, okay? The next person’s contribution was 69 cents, so on and so forth. This is not that they deposited this money. Again, this is them interacting with the post and the algorithm creating what their value actually is.
So you can see here how many readers, the total value of the readers, and the asset median, right? So the average portfolio net worth of the people who have read my post is $3,377, okay? Okay, so now let’s get to how the payout works. So again, Peter Pan contributed $3.02.
cents now his contribution is bigger than the promotion pool okay which is only 80 cents so the way this works is if you look on earners peter pan contributed and again follow me on this he contributed three dollars and two cents to a realized value of six dollars and 61 cents that’s roughly 50 right he contributed roughly 50 of this total realized value was just from him so if you go then to how it works he earned actually 37 cents because he earned 50 of the realized value so he gets 50% of the realized value. So he gets 50% of the promotional pool.
Does that make sense? I’ve been struggling with this concept. So I want to make sure that you guys understand it as well. That this company here, ETHRISE, whoever this is, this prediction site, put up an actual $1,000 as the promotion. And then more people added to it. So here’s the thing is you can add to the promotional pool.
See how this guy here, he tipped and added to this promotional pool, which also acts as a contribution as if you were sharing it or whatever. So you can tip with money. You can tip with sharing. You can tip with liking. You can tip with commenting, all different things that the algorithm decides, okay, how much value did you bring to the overall $1,600, right? So the more the promotional pool is, the more incentivized users are to share the post, right? It’s a genius marketing strategy because it’s basically saying, yes, it’s pay for advertisement, but all companies pay for advertisement but all companies
pay for advertisement already anyways the only difference is the end user never gets any of that money right so this platform is all geared towards you the little guy who is participating in social media earning money for doing what they were already doing anyways. It’s just not so concentrated in one person.
Now, obviously, the bigger you’re following, the more your contribution is going to be, right? So this guy, Nerd, he’s the sixth biggest influencer, if you will, or the biggest social media person. So when he shares a post and things, his contribution is massive because more people are viewing it. His TVF is 2.7 billion, right? So he’s got 2.7 billion worth of assets of people following him. So when he shares something, mine’s only $3.39, but his basically is worth $324 that he’s contributed to the platform. And then what I’m thinking is you can do these things called lucky draws, okay?
And what lucky draw is, is basically from your L2 balance, you could do $2 to two people, okay? And then you can check all these different boxes. Must be a holder of WebID 3, address age must be greater than two days, followers must be more than whatever, right? So these are all eligibility requirements.
Now you can have none and you could say, follow me on the bank. That’s lucky draw. You don’t have to do anything. You could just say, happy Wednesday. I mean, they’re all over the place. I’m going to go back to it just now and show you guys. You can also filter when you get to your home screen, right? This is just like basically just like Twitter.
Okay. So look, I follow this guy here. $5. One person’s going to win. Must be a holder of WebID 3. So you guys can see the restrictions starting to happen. I have a WebID 3. So I guys can see the restrictions starting to happen. I have a WebID 3. So I participated. I’m in the drawing now.
And how this works is you see this 38 number, this is my draw token. The winner’s draw token is randomly selected using the block ID of the latest Ethereum block at the time the lucky draw ends as the seed. So I’m assuming if there’s a 38 or something involved in the block ID id that’s how they pick the winners i don’t really know but that’s kind of how they use for their randomization they use the ethereum block at the time when this ends so this ends at 9 19 tomorrow and when that ends it’ll just be you know whatever number that they select so that’s lucky draws the cool thing about this
guys is let’s say you just want to look for lucky draws you can do that and they’re everywhere everywhere here’s another cool feature a direct messaging where you can set your advertisement so let’s say companies want to advertise directly to you they want to send you a DM this company bets world decided to send you a DM. This company, BetSwirl, decided to send me a message.
And I have my, you can set this to whatever you want. Base price for my attention. You can set this to two cents, a dollar, $2, $10, $100, whatever it costs for somebody to interact with your address, your profile, right? So if somebody wants to send you a direct message hey my name’s brian right somebody needs to pay me two dollars in order for me to receive that private message and again you can set that to whatever you want now the way i’m gonna do things is on my profile if you send me a high message i’ll immediately follow you back right it’s basically two dollars for me to follow
you now the cool thing about this marketing strategy as well is that let’s say a company puts together 100 addresses that they wanna advertise to, right? They’ve broken it down by, I want people who are already holding Telos. I want them to be active on the platform in the last 30 days. I want them to have a net worth of at least $1,000.
And so now I’ve created my target market. I’ve created the ability to say, these are the exact addresses that I want to send a message to. And I’m willing to commit $200 to that. The DeBank platform will send your message to each one of those addresses, keeping your overall budget balance in mind until enough people have opened it up.
So what I mean by that is, let’s say somebody decides to advertise to me. If I open the message and I read it, I get $2. If I don’t open it within seven days, the money goes back to the company, which I think is genius because marketing, there’s so much wasted money in marketing. A, you’re marketing to people who aren’t actually interested in your product.
You’re bombarded with ads you’re not interested in, and you don’t get paid to be marketed to. On Twitter, on Facebook, and you don’t get paid to be marketed to. On Twitter, on Facebook, all these platforms, our data is just, well, whatever. I’ll just read this advertisement about period pads, right? Oh, look, an advertisement about tampons.
Might be able to use that next week. No, right? Marketing is about to get so narrow. You’ll be able to do things with this that you’ve never seen before. Let’s say that Nike wants to send out an advertisement to only people who haven’t bought shoes in the past seven months.
They would be able to narrow it down to know who’s done what in that period of time. Now you could say, hey, Nike, you got to pay me $10 to advertise to me. That’s a possibility, right? You set whatever your attention fee is. You could set it. Obviously mine at $2 is probably going to be less. I think the standard is a dollar. Like when you first sign up, it’ll just be defaulted as a dollar.
Now, some people lower that because they want more advertisements, right? I don’t care, care whatever i’ll read it 50 cents 20 cents right so you decide what your attention fee is and your ads and people you know companies that are sending messages to you with these blue check marks like stater sent me one but this is back when i only had a dollar right i only had it set at a dollar so i got this dollar because i opened this up and again a dollar is the default.
It’s probably what most people are targeting. But again, Stater, when they sent this message out, they filtered through a very specific criteria that they wanted to advertise to. You can also have a credit score, however many things you verify on here. I don’t have any negative behavior. I’ve been a good boy. You can connect your Twitter.
And again, you can just choose to display that or not. If you guys want to remain anonymous with your wallet, totally fine. Majority of people are. I’m probably the only idiot that’s like, hey, follow me and I’m going to do a stream. But I don’t care because I love this stuff. I love Web3 and everything that’s going on.
Again, you get points for how much money is in your here, how much net worth you have on chain. You get bonuses depending upon, as you can see there, if you have more than a million, you get plus five, 10 million, so on and so forth. So this is your kind of credit rating score that they’ve designed based upon how active you are on the platform, how many things you’ve done, the payment amount.
Yeah. So I’ve deposited just money because I’m trying to figure this thing out. There’s a portfolio API. This is pretty cool. I’m not a super tech guy, but I’ll tell you right now, if I was, and I wanted to find out what meme coins were going to blow up next i would take this api i’d plug it in and i would hunt down all i’d set a criteria like notify me of a token address when at least 15 people over a net worth value of 300 000 in their portfolio has purchased a token right get an alert off of that
then go to dex screener see if the chart is consolidating. If it is, that means whales are accumulating. And then just wait for the run up. I mean, it’s just, it’s kind of blowing my mind a little bit, how much information that you can get in the things that you’re able to do with this stuff.
So again, if you’re super techie, my recommendation is to jump into this, create your own little script to follow and be notified about transactions that are happening with all these other wallets. But like I said, guys, $96, you’re kind of like, man, that’s a lot. But the value proposition you’re getting out of $96 is unbelievable. The fact that you can go in here and look at all these portfolios of millionaires.
Okay, this guy’s got $51 million in his portfolio. Let’s see what tokens he holds, right? Oh, he’s got a lot on Lido. He’s got a lot on Maker. So you can just see where all the people are that are accumulating, what assets they’re in. You could set up a bot to notify me when whales sell certain assets, right? That could be your entire trading model. Again, so many cool things on here.
But again, don’t be discouraged either if you don’t have millions in your portfolio. That’s not the only thing that this social score is taking in. Like this guy who’s ranked 40 on the entire platform, he’s got 35,000 in his portfolio. Okay. So you can either have a lot of money in your portfolio or you can be super active on the platform. They’re rewarded the same.
This is what’s so cool about this is that they’re now taking it to where it’s not just about who has the most money. It’s not just about people who don’t have a lot of money but have time to commit and share posts and make threads and things like that can be just as valuable as a millionaire. That’s what’s super cool about this.
Whereas all old marketing and everything like that is basically saying, look, we want to pay the top influencers. We only want to reward them. And then we cross our fingers and hope that everybody who’s viewing their stream also wants to buy tampons. Shot in the dark. There’s one other feature that I wanted to show you guys. I think it’s called Ask Pro.
So you can have this Ask Pro. This can be a post as well. So you can pay to ask questions to others. After they respond, the respondent receives your payment. Other users can then pay $1 to access the answer. This fee is then shared evenly between you and the responder. So let’s say somebody asks you a question and you answer it to that person that paid for it.
There’s a tab here. I’ll show you. Let me go back to my recommendation to you. If you’re brand new on this, I would go to promotion. These are all going to be boosted posts, right? So if you participate in this, you have a portion to earn off of that. My question is, and again, I don’t have a portion to earn off of that.
My question is, and again, I don’t have the answer back from the employee that I asked, is okay, how do people get paid for posts that don’t have a promotion pool? I understand the fact how you split the promotion pool depending upon what value you brought, but what if there’s no promotion on the pool? Do you still earn for interacting with that pool and how? So that was one of the questions that I submitted and waiting on a response for that. But basically you can sort by ask pro. So here, this person said, hi. Okay. This person said,
just did. Are you trying to reach top 100? I don’t know why you would pay to see that answer, but sure. What is your favorite token? Okay. Let’s say maybe you send a message to a millionaire. Guy’s got 30 millionaires profile. You say, what is your favorite token? You can then pay a dollar to view the reply because he answered. 50 cents goes to the guy who asked it.
50 cents goes to who responded to it, right? So again, start thinking in terms of this more like money moving, like information and people just, Hey, here’s $2, here’s a dollar, here’s 30 cents, whatever. Like that’s the way that this is sort of going. I think it’s such a cool platform. So many cool things that it offers.
Oh, the other one thing that I did notice, you can only post once an hour, So you can’t spam the platform. You know, you can’t just make a bunch of posts and, you know, claim. They’ve really done a good job of making sure that bots can’t take over. And it’s very authentic communication. The algorithm will track everything from how long your response is, right? If you just comment, thanks, you’re not going to get as many points and your contribution isn’t going to be as much.
Like they’ve got it down to almost a science, which I know they’re continuingly to still adapt, you know, and adjust whatever it is that they, the algorithm is that they have, but it seems to be doing pretty well as it’s rewarding the people who are advertising this stuff the best i mean the amount of eyes that can get on this stuff i kept telling the guys at swapsco i’m like you guys got to get back and advertise on here it’s amazing i mean i remember when we were doing it in the very very beginning like when they just launched there wasn’t as many people on there but we were still
getting a lot of action and we were direct messaging people about the products and things like that and having conversations with them. Just saying like, oh, I didn’t even know you guys existed. And, you know, oh, I’ll check Mantle out. Yeah, like I’m down for that.
So we were able to sort it, you know, in the message we were sending to to anybody who was a Telos holder, who was a Mantle holder, was a mantle holder who you know was interacting on our competitors so really being able to leverage this to target the market you’re looking for like i just think it’s such a good reminds me of like the uber taxi analogy where you know uber ranks you know the driver ranks the passenger passenger ranks the driver it really is just a better system for everybody from businesses to users you’re not being bombarded with garbage ass ads that you’re
not getting paid for right at least at least if you happen to read across a post you might get one cent just for it being in your vicinity so i’ll keep you guys posted. But again, I 100% recommend just getting here, getting involved, minting those badges, doing what you can to get those points up for your airdrop.
Because the more you participate, just like any airdrop, I think ZK was yesterday and I was so damn busy with other things that I didn’t even participate in that one. Some people thought it was good. Some people were like, ah, we got gypped. But it’s free money, guys. Come on. You’re never getting gypped.
Sure, you had to do some tasks. But if you make $100, $200, $300, $400, and then the token increases, like, think about the mantle drop. I mean, a lot of those rewards were given at like $0.30, $0.40. Prices doubled since then. So it’s not even just about when you, or not even about how much you get, it’s when you get it.