Are you a complete degen and are you wondering with each transaction you sign if you’re going to get rugged yes or no well then i might have some good news for you because in this video we’re going to take a look at which is a web3 super app and an antivirus and especially the antivirus concept is something that i would like to zoom in on when we arrive on d.
fi yes that is the complete url so it’s really short and sweet. You can either connect your wallet or you can copy paste any others. So yes, that means that you don’t even have to connect to your wallet to start using this. Right now it’s completely free. Let’s hope it stays that way. We can also see that they call themselves the Web3 super app and antivirus.
Scrolling down, we see what they have integrated so over 60 000 contracts 466 protocols 44 networks and over 200 000 tokens of course this is not everything but i think that is a very nice start now for complete transparency these guys reached out to me by email and asked if i wanted to check out their video and if i was interested if I wanted to do a sponsored video. So yes this is a sponsored video but no I will not go easy on them.
The only reason why I said yes is because I’m really interested in the antivirus concept of this app. Now if you have been following my channel for a while then you know I like to use to check out if farms are trustworthy yes or no very important to know all these protocols are being analyzed manually by people from this community so it’s not an ai or something it’s people going to the different websites looking at the contracts and then making their own analysis so i think this is a very good way to test the system of and compare it to the
manual work being done by the people behind RugDoc. So let’s first find something that is high risk. So let’s take a look at this one. So it’s a goose fork. The MasterChef contract has not been connected to this site. This is the major red alert here, and this is why it is a high risk protocol.
The problem, of course, is if we’re going copy the contract does not know to which website this contract belongs and this is of course one of the benefits if you are analyzing certain websites manually then you go to the website you see what contract you are promoting and then you can do this analysis so I think doing this one has no use so we’re gonna skip it let’s look at this one so they give the red alert because transfer can be blocked anytime by switching off the routers and then yeah a whole bunch of warning things to keep in mind so there is nothing really wrong
in in the code itself but they can do some some nasty stuff so let’s just take a look and see nasty stuff so let’s just take a look and see how reacts to this one so we click on contract so on the block explorer we copy the address and again you can do exactly the same just pick any of those dabs and copy the contract and see what the results are so going back to the d.
fi website on the left we have the shield and the scanner so let’s on the left, we have the shield and the scanner. So let’s take the scanner. So we paste the address. We wait a second for the website to find the contract. We click it. And there you go. So they say there is a high risk item. So there’s a transfer limit risk, which is high risk.
So immediately they give it a bit of a lower score and then they have seven things that require attention so going back to the rug dog website we see that the major red alert was indeed transfer can be blocked anytime by switching off the router we also see that when it comes to DeFi, the analysis done by RugDoc of course goes a lot deeper than the one on De.Fi.
Just for the purpose of this video, let’s do one more. Let’s see what they say about this one. Website is unavailable. Okay. This one, same thing. This one. So they say that the transfer can be blocked anytime by blacklisting. 44% of the total supply is held by an EOA. So let’s just see what De.Fi has to say about this one with their automated analysis.
go back to the scanner, and then click on the result. As we can see, the De.Fi website doesn’t see any issues with this contract. We also see the list of vulnerabilities that it checks, but apparently this is not sufficient for the D-Gen farming. Going back to the RugDoc website, I do think they should add this one to their checklist. So transfers can be blocked anytime by blacklisting.
The second one is maybe a bit more difficult. 44% of the total supply is held by an EOA. So going back to the DeFi website, we see here on the right that normally if there is enough liquidity, they will do a token liquidity analysis and normally they should show top 10 token holders. So I don’t know why this is not happening. But then over here, we would be able to see the second argument that they make on the Rugdog website.
And that is that somebody is holding 44%, which is, of course, worrisome. And in that case, I would also add a warning here, which I don’t think is something that they’re doing yet. Now before you think that the scanner isn’t that useful I do want to point out that the scanner is completely automated. You can look at any type of contract.
It doesn’t matter if it’s DeFi, NFT, regular token contract or anything that we can come up with in the future. It also means that it doesn’t matter how old the contract is. Even if it’s created five seconds ago, it will make an analysis of this contract. Comparing this to RugDoc, you have to keep in mind that people manually have to take a look at a project, then make their analysis, and then share it on this website. These things take time. It also means they can’t look at everything.
So there is a chance that they haven’t looked at the project that you want to use. This is why combining these two tools can be very powerful. Either way, I’m going to give the team behind De.Fi this feedback so they can improve their product and hopefully add some more items to their token detector. Now it’s time to take a look at their Shield solution.
So if you click on Shield, you can see that you can connect your wallet. But again, you don’t have to. You can simply copy paste the address so in order to find some wallets that hopefully have been exposed to some some things we’re gonna go to pancake swap because the other minus marching has been around for quite some time and so has pancake swap then you go to earn then go to farms and let’s just take a look at the cake bmb one then we click on view contract now we’re going to look for a sizable transaction
so 8 000 cake is not bad let’s click here this person apparently has 46 000 in his wallet so that is perhaps a good one to take a look at. So we’re going to copy the address. We paste the address, confirm, and then wait a few seconds for the analysis. So there we go.
We see that this person is active both on the BNB chain and the Ethereum chain but mostly active on BNB. We also see that they have over 160,000 dollars worth of coins in their wallet and we see a red warning label right here. So if you click here then we see that their wallet is at a high risk level. And if we want to know more, we simply click manage.
So on this page, we can see that the wallet is at high risk, but thankfully the risk exposure is less than one cent. So in this list, we see that there are seven contracts that have issues and these are the specific issues. Now I take a look at the left, we see that the address is automatically added and it’s added to my watch list. We also see that we can start bundling different wallets and of course we can connect our own wallet as well.
So arriving back on the home page right now we’re still looking at that same wallet and we can see that the DeFi app is tracking the total amount of tokens in the wallet, the deposits that you made, how much you can claim right now from the different DeFi protocols, how much money you have in lending pools and how much debt you have.
We can also see on which network the funds are currently at and in which protocols they are invested. Of course there are different dApps doing the same so let’s compare it to the different ones out there. So again we are looking at the same address and they find that in this wallet, we have $72,000. $41,000 is on Venus and $29,000 is on PancakeSwap. So clearly there’s a difference already.
We see the amount that is locked in Venus and PancakeSwap. So let’s compare those first. So going back to De.Fi we see that this is the same. So when it comes to protocols they arrive on the same conclusion. So the difference will be here. So Ethereum we have 890 and on Dbank we see the same 896, 897. It’s basically the same.
But assets on BNB chain there is a big difference here. So let’s click on this one. Scroll down. And we see that they simply add these two together along with 630 in wallet value. And that brings you to 71,000. Let’s do the same for De.Fi. Then we see that the De.Fi app calculates there is 97,000 in the wallet. So the big difference is clearly in how the wallet is calculated.
So let’s take a quick look. And over here, we see that De.Fi detects that there is VETH and VBTC. Going back to D-Bank, we see that somehow it is not calculating the VETH and the VBTC. So I guess points go to on this one. But just to make sure, we’re going to copy paste the same address in zeprify as well.
So looking at the same address on zeprify, we see a total value of 42,000. Which is again that 879 on Ethereum. value of 42 000 which is again that 879 on ethereum and then we have the similar amount the 600 something on bnb chain when it comes to app holdings we see that indeed everything is locked up in venus so going back to dbank we see that this covers the amount in venus but they’re not showing the amount in PancakeSwap v3 liquidity.
So conclusion both De.Fi and Dbank agree on the amount in Venus and in PancakeSwap v3. So the only thing that the different solutions don’t agree on is what is in the wallet. So the question is is there a reason why the other two platforms are not listing these two tokens so to find out let’s do a little bit more research we can do this by looking at the contract so we’ll copy the contract you can take a look at the holders right now we still have 8 000 holders and according to the price on binascan it’s 11 dollars
and that gives us a fully diluted market cap of 26 million and according to the price on Binance Scan, it’s $11, and that gives us a fully diluted market cap of $26 million. Let’s see if we can find some more information on CoinGecko. So over at CoinGecko, we see a price of $36, which is the same price being used in De.Fi.
Other than that, the token has been around for quite some time, but apparently not much is happening. So let’s take a look at the official website. This looks like a typical DGEN DeFi solution. Scrolling down, I don’t see the tokens anywhere. Let’s see if we can swap them. VETH, nothing found.
And VBTC, also nothing found and VBTC also nothing found so yeah I guess if you can’t swap these tokens not even on the official website something must be wrong and there’s probably no liquidity at all to trade these tokens so I don’t know for certain but this might be the reason why Zapperify and Dbank are not listing these tokens in the total of this wallet. However, if this is my wallet, I really want to know about all the tokens in my wallet. And especially in this case, apparently it still has a value between $11 and $30, which adds up to a significant amount. So personally, I’m going to add this to a win for De.Fi.
Going over some other features, we see here at the bottom that they got a Rekt database. So the Rekt database is the biggest database of all crypto hacks and scams that have ever happened and of course the big one here on top of the list is the Terra Classic one. So if you click on there you get a lot more details, you get an explanation and you even get a bunch of wallets and links so you can dive really into the details of this hack and maybe do your own research as well.
Now another feature that I do like to mention is that unlike most of these platforms you can actually also connect your centralized exchange wallets and in that way have everything together in one nice dashboard. What’s my final conclusion? Well I think the Shield product is definitely useful.
You can simply copy paste all your different addresses and take a look at it every month for example and see if you have any serious risks for any of your wallets. When it comes to the scanner I think it’s a really nice idea but as we saw in this video I think they should keep expanding that checklist and then if they continue to do that I think this can be a really great product so my suggestion to DDoFi is do the same thing that I did take a look at the RockDoc website start trying out those high-risk protocols and see how you can improve your own checklist that way now I want to invite all of you guys to try
this shield application and let me know if you found any risks that you were not aware of. Right that’s it for this video if you enjoyed it and you made it to the end be sure to hit that like button don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell. Thanks again for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one.