DeFi Llama: The Ultimate Crypto Analytics Website | Best Tools for DeFi Projects & Investments
welcome back guys crypto for light channel today we’d like to talk about defy llama a quick review all features on defy llama and why this website basically the best website the best sources for analysis defy sector let’s dive in first of all guys you have to know this website absolutely totally for free so all information you can use totally for free without any subscription, premium plans or so.
Literally the best website for DeFi sector analysis with a lot of data. If you are the fan of analytics, if you are the fan of DeFi, this website can be like a rabbit hole because you can spend here even a whole day you know compare the data and analyze the metrics i already made a video about how to use the total value locket tvl to market cap how you can compare this to data how this data can help you to determine the potential price movement on the main page of defile lama you’re gonna see the dashboard and the first one is a defy overview in overview you can find out that all protocols
total value locket here is by chains here’s uh how the tour wallet locket looks like on a graph protocols uh in different chains and when you open a protocol you can track everything about a little also in just basic information you can find out even the latest news about the Alito. Next tool is the chains.
I already told you about this one, how you can compare the chains TVL. Here you can find out on Ethereum, we got like over than 1,000 protocols, different protocols. You can open the Ethereum, for example, and find out all protocols Ethereum chain. Also, you can choose by chains this one in the filter. Bridget TVL for all chains.
So in Polygon we can see the total Bridget around 4.5 billion. Next one is compare the chains. Basically when you add some chains for example Solana let’s add Optimism, Arbitrum, Solana let’s add it optimism arbitrum solana let’s add a base you can find out the activity and basically the trend so tvl locket in seoul and we sold the hype around the meme coins on seoul so basically the more people start using their chains soul chain and it means the tokens on this chain also will mostly pump it so like you can see the optimism tvl is much lower and we don’t see the hype around the optimism maybe in the future we
will see the shift between the chains like it was here song 22 when we got a dump uh on FTX right as soul so soul dump it optimism hype it our beat room hype it chain hybrid but then so recover back and over perform their beat room so that’s the case how you can compare the chains and also when you add the chains you can take a look the total wallet locket and chain you can take a look there fees the active addresses next one is a drops here you can find out uh their brand new protocols here’s the chains of these protocols here’s a category what are this category maybe
you believe in the restaking so you think that restaking is going to be the next trend so you have to pay attention for restaking category this is a tvl which might lock it so uh you remember the agent layer it was a restaking so TVL it’s pretty pretty huge right so listed at year ago and uh total money raises 150 million so basically uh your main goal is to find out the brand new protocols which just the least said you know with pretty pretty small tvls and maybe they will get some activities uh for potential a drop right so maybe they gotta like test nets or some uh task in
galaxy so you can participate and track different racing rounds this is how you can dive in into potential a drops treasuries oracles this one so total wallet secured all oracles you can see the chain link in the top total value lock at all forks and here you can find out the top is of with 3.
4 billions and you can compare the two protocols between each other right and you can see the hype around these protocols so this take a look the hype of maker MakerDAO was in top in November 2021, but then a little overperformed MakerDAO. And we can find out which category now is pumped, is hyped around. So for example, here was DEXs.
Here, the hype of DEXs was exactly in December 2021. You remember the price of DIVO dvdx right but then the hype around the dax is going down uh we can for example choose the derivative once again liquid staking let’s say uh real world assets this one was good and find out over here nobody cared about the real world sector here in april song with one because they didn’t even exist this one and i think the real world asset sector will overperform all protocols so take a look at the interest to a real world asset sector can can grow significant
because take a look even in february some 23 it was like only less than 1 billion 871 million now in may 24 it was 4.4 billion so yes i think the real world sector will overperform the many many other categories next one is recently listed protocols and we can rank also by category so for example if you believe in social phi here time for fun right social fight if you believe in this sector if you believe in this protocol maybe the social fight gonna be the next uh trend right maybe the everybody start using the social fight and maybe exactly this protocol gonna be the leader
one or maybe you can scroll down and find out that just a brand new uh real world asset uh protocol the next category is just the languages so the smart contract languages which one is most popular basically it’s uh always solidity next in yields you can track the pools uh delta neutral example collateral talking for example we can use the solana this one it’s give you the uh strategy epi this available tokens ltv delta uh long short strats a leveraged landing a stable coin pools default lama got a aggregator of aggregators so
you can connect your wallet and swap talk inside a defile llama next page is everything what about nft so if you’re an nft fan you can track the collections here the floor prices how it changes volume volume on seven days total supply you can compare the marketplaces earnings from nfts next page is unlocks here you can track the upcoming unlocks for example we got an optimism Optimist Foundation now this is grand prize a market cap discrimometer here’s unlock it in percentage so 40 only unlock it here’s the maximum tokens which should be unlocked and
here’s a daily unlocks and we can find out so in the next six days nine hours and three minutes we will see the upcoming unlock uh with 57 million borrow aggregator so i can borrow the bnb and use the bitcoin like cultural on other centralized exchanges transparency so basically you can track all main uh centralized exchanges crypto centralized exchanges and track the assets, proof of reserve, right? This is a clean assets, 24-hour inflow or outflow.
So we can see, for example, from Binance, in one month, we saw like half a billion money outflow. In one month, we saw like 9 million inflow. But of course, you can’t make your own decision right just based on inflow or outflow because uh sometimes the people just send money send some coins to centralized exchanges right sell them and just distribute to two different wallets so it doesn’t mean it’s some something bad with the centralized exchanges right so everything okay but you can track this data also and next one
is the bridges and take a look this is a bridge bridge volume in all bridges you can track the total volume 24 hour 24 seven days and total volume in one month if you need to bridge some tokens for example you can choose any bridge let’s say this one on Stargate you can bridge the tokens between these chains next one is the volumes on decentralized exchanges and in the chains so for it’s really important because uh for example you can see on uniswap in the dexes we’ve got a pretty huge volume over then around 1 billion
24 hour volume trades so it’s literally good right and volume in seven days is 12 billion so we understand it’s more than okay to trade swap tokens on uniswap but if you find out the volume of some DAX crash it down maybe something happened with this DAX and maybe it’s not safe to connect even a wallet to this DAX next one is aggregators so you can track the all main aggregators for swaps for example one inch jupiter uh jupiter is hyper because it’s on soul and here’s how the volume changes on this dex
remember the hype around the d8x and yes i i still believe in d8x but take a look the scene future is now on top in top with a 657 million volume and DYX only on fifth rank with 268 volume. It’s a big difference even the brand new hyperliquid now overperformed the DYX. No hate to DYX but guys marketing is not always a main driver for success.
Next one is the perps by chains. So like you can see on perps mostly the people use the arbitrum next one is a perp aggregator and this one options and options by chains next one you can track the fees and revenue races and here is a total funding rounds was uh 5 300 funny rounds with total funding amount so imagine all the same period on the funding rounds the funds big investors invest over than 101 billion right money into this one and take a look uh basically exactly around the bottom uh we saw how funds invested the biggest amount of
money into their uh projects how it can help you first of all you can check by uh chains for example you interested in some uh brand new projects on arbitrum so you can press clear and choose only a bit and and find out the brand new projects. So for example, this one Particle Network, three days ago, raised 15 million in series A round.
This is the description of what this project is about. Lead investor, a link for this one and other investors. Imagine the people stake, the people use all these platforms, use these protocols. And in general, basically we can see the hacks started, the main hacks started from Zone 20, right? So in four years, yes, we can call it like in four years, totally was hacked at like 8.2 billion, the real money.
So the hackers stole this money. Just in May, we got like 372 million Hackett from protocols from uh platforms so it’s weird it’s weird so people use their brand new DeFi sector platforms they trust their money and hate their banking system but they trust just a random website their real funds you know and they they got hacked blame the crypto guys blame yourself so be careful with the staking we be careful with all protocols with the bridges you can track the last hacks this one uh for example this was dmm bitcoin so just by end of may
uh classification like infrastructure problem private k compromising so it’s crazy 305 million stolen it’s weird it’s weird um take a law also for example this is Gala you remember this story with Gala made 20 the product of logic classification Infinity mean and dump so it was pretty weird 22 millions stolen next one is ethereum liquidity staking this one and the last one is they added brand new uh category like crypto edfs so it’s really really useful for you if you attract the a bitcoin etf i hope in the future they will add the when they approve the
ethereum etf we’ll see the even the data about the ethereum here so this is a blackrock edf you can track the volume you can track the money inflow outflow this one by daily by weekly by monthly so for example weekly so this was money inflow money outflow so we we will not see only up only money inflow and by the end of this video you can go and check the product of defy llama like defy llama notes defy llama news defy llama portfolio so i recommend you go and check all these tools also so guys i hope you like this video link to defi llama this just brilliant brilliant